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or SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 103 In that journey or pilgrimage wherein we are en- gaged towards an heavenly country, we are sure to meet with all kinds of dangers, difficulties and perils. It is not a general notion of blessedness that will ex- cite and work in us a spiritual refreshing hope. But when we think and meditate on future glory as we ought, that grace which is neglected for the most part as to its benefit, and dead as to its exercise, will of all others bemost vigorous and active, putting itself forth on all occasions. This therefore is an inestimable benefit of the duty exhorted unto, and which they find the advantage of, who are really spiritual minded. 3. This alone will make us ready for the cross, for all sorts of sufferings that we may be exposed unto. There is nothing more necessary to believers at this season, than to have their minds furnished with provision of such things as may prepare them for the cross and sufferings. Various intimations of the mind of God, circumstances of Providence, the present state of things in the world, with the instant peril or the latter days, all call them hereto. If it be other- wise with them, they will at one time or other be wo- fully surprised, and think strange of their trials, as if some strange thing did befal them. Nothing is more useful to this end, than constant thoughts and contem- plations of eternal things and future glory. From thence alone can the soul have in readiness what to lay in the balance against all sorts of sufferings. When a storm begins to arise at sea, the mariners bestir themselves in the management of the tackling of the ship, and other applications of their art for their safety : but if the storm increase and come to extremity, they are forced to forego all other means, and betake themselves unto a sheet anchor to hold