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OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 111 Herein lies the great danger of multitudes at this present season ; for let men profess what they will, under the power of this frame, their eternal state is in hazard every moment; and persons are engaged in it in great variety of degrees; we may cast them under two heads. 1. Some do not at all understand that things are amiss with them, or that they are much to be blamed. Theyplead, as was before observed, that they are all lawful things which their heartscleave to, and which it is their duty to take care of and regard. May they not delight in their own relations, especially at such a time, when others break and cancel all duties and bonds of relation in the service of, and provision they make for, their lusts l May they not be careful in good and honest ways of diligence about the things of the world, when they most either lavish their time away in the pursuit of bestial lusts, or heap them up by deceit and oppression? May they not contrive for the promotion of their children in the world, to add the other hundred or thous and pounds to their advance- ment, that theymay be in as good condition as others, seeing he is worse than an infidel who provides not for his own family 1 By such reasonings and secret thoughts do many justify themselves in their earthly mindedness. And so fixed are they in theapprobation of themselves, that if you urge them to their duty, you shall lose their acquaintance, if they do not be- come your enemies for telling them the truth. Yea, they will avoid one duty that lieth not against their earthly interest, because it leads to another. They will not engage in religious assemblies, or be constant to their duty in them, for fear duties of charity should be required of them, or expected from them. Onwhat