114 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. nous meditation on heavenly things, as a better, more noble and suitable object for our affections to be fixed on, we can never be freed in a due manner from an inordinate love of things here below. It is sad to see some professors, who will keep up spiritual duties in churches and in their families, who will speak and discourse of spiritual things, and keep themselves from the open excesses of the world; yet when they come to be tried by such dutiesas entrench on their love and adherence to earthly things, quickly manifest how remote they are from being spiritually minded in a due manner. Were they to be tried, as our Saviour tried the youngman who made such a pro- fession of his conscientiousand religious conversation; Go sell what thou hast, give to the poor, and follow me ; something might be pleaded in excuse for their tergiversation. But, alas ! they will decline their duty when they are nottouched to the hundredth part of their enjoyments. I bless God, I speak not thus of many, of my own knowledge ; and may say with the apostle to the most to whom I usually speak in this manner ; 'But, belov- ed, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.' Heb. vi. 9. Yea, the same testimony may be given of many in this city, which the same apostle gives to the churches of Macedonia, 2 Cor. viii. 1 -3. 'Under- stand the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia, how that, in a great trial of áfliiction, the abundance of their joy and their poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality ; for to their power, and beyond their power, they were willing of them- selves.' There hath been nothing done amongst us, that may or can be boasted of; yet, considering all