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OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 117 and miserable. Now these things are contrary to, and where they are habitually prevalent, utterly inconsis- tent with being spiritually minded. Nor is it possi- ble, that any who in the least degree are under their power, can ever attain deliverance, unlesstheir thoughts are fixed, and their minds thereby possessed with due apprehensions of invisible things and eternal glory. These are some few of the many advantages which we may obtainby fixing our thoughts and meditations, and thereby our affections, on the things that are .above. And there are some things which make me willing to give a few directions for the practice of this duty. For whatever elsewe are and do, we neither are nor can be, truly spiritually minded, whereon life and peace depend, unless we really exercise our thoughts unto meditations of things above. Without it, all our religion is but vain: and as I fear men are generally wanting and defective herein, in point of practice ; so I do also,_ that many, through the dark ness of their minds, the weakness of their intellect- uals, and ignorance of the nature of all things unseen, do seldom set themselves unto the contemplation of them, I shall, therefore, give some few directions for the practice of this duty.