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ll 122 OP SPIRITUAL MINDRDNRSS. attained through the promises of the gospel, are those which make the remainders of sin most grievous and burdensome to them. This is that which evenbreaks their hearts, and makes some of them go mourning all the day long, namely, that any thing of that which alone God hates, should be found in them, or be re- maining with them. It is, in thiscondition, an evidence that they are spiritually minded, if, together with watchful endeavors for the universal mortification of sin, and utter excision of it, both root and branch, they constantly add these thoughts of that blessed state, wherein they shall be absolutely and eternally freed from all sin, with refreshment, delight, and compla- cency. These things belong to our direction for the fixing of our thoughts and meditations on things above. This the meanest and weakest person, who hath the least spark of sincerity and grace, is capable of appre- hending, and able to practice : and it is that which the sense they have of the evil of sin will put them on every day, if they shut not their eyes against the light of the refreshment that is in it. Let themwhocannot arise in their minds to fixed and stable thoughts of any other notion of these invisible things, dwell on this consideration of them, wherein they will find no small spiritual advantage and refreshment to their souls. 2. As to the positive part of this glorious future state, the thoughts and apprehensions of men are very various.. And that we may know as well what to avoid, as what to embrace, we shall a little reflect on some of them. 1. Many areable to entertain no rational conceptions about a future state of blessedness and glory, no no- tions wherein either faith or reason is concerned. Im-