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128 of SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. may be of use : but we look for no other heaven, we desire none, but what we are led to, and prepared for, by the light of the gospel ; that which shall perfect all the beginnings of God's grace in.us; not what shall be quite of another nature, and destructive of them. We value not that heaven which is equally suited to the desires and inclinations of the worst of men, as well as the best ; for we know that theywho like not grace here, neither do nor can like that which is glory here- after. No man who is not acquainted experimentally in some measurewith the life, power, and evidence of faith here, hath any other heaven in his aim but what is erected in his own imagination. The glory of heaven which the gospel prepares us for, which faith leads and conducts us to, which the souls of believers long after, as that which shall give us full rest, satis- faction, and complacency, is the full, open, perfect manifestation of the glory, of the wisdom, goodness, and love of God in Christ, in his person and media- tion, with the revelation of all his counsels concerning them and the communication of their effects to us. He that likes it not, to whom it is not desirable, may betake himself to Mahomet's paradise, or the philoso- phers speculations ; in the gospel heaven he hath no interest. These are the things which we see now darkly as in a glass, by faith : in the view of them are our souls gradually changed into the likeness of God; and the comprehension of them is that which shall give us our utmost conformity and likeness to him, whereof our natures are capable. In a sense and ex- perience of their realityand goodness given us by the Holy Ghost, do all our spiritual consolations and joys consist. The effects produced by them in our souls are the first fruits of glory. Our light, sense, experi-