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Or SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 139 of our present state will admit. I have known them, I do know them, who call themselves to a reproof, if at any time he hath been many minutes out of their thoughts. And it is strange that it should be other- wise with themwho love him in sincerity; yet I wish I did not know more, who give evidences that it is a rare thing for them to be exercised in serious thoughts and meditations about him. Yea, there are some, who are not averse, upon occasions, to speak of God, of mercy, of pardon, of his power and goodness; who, if you mention Christ to them, with any thing of faith, love, trust in him, they seem to them as a strange thing. Few there are who are sensible of any religion beyond what is natural. The things of the wisdom and power of God in Christ, are foolishness to them. Take some directions for the discharge of this duty. (1.) In your thoughts of Christ, be very careful that they are conceived and directed according to the rule of the word, lest you deceiveyour own souls, and give up the conduct of your affections to vain imagina- tions. Spiritual notions, befalling carnal minds, did once, by the means of superstition, ruin the power of religion. A conviction men had that they must think much of Jesus Christ, and that this would make them conformable to him ; but having no real evangelical faith, nor the wisdom of faith to exercise it in their thoughts and affections in a due manner; nor under- standing what it was to be truly like unto him, they gave up themselves to many foolish inventions and im- aginations; by which they thought to express their love and conformity to him. They would have im- ages of him, which they would embrace, adore, and bedew with their tears. They would have crucifixes, as they called them, which they would carry about