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16 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. larly to inquire into ; namely, What is-this minding of the spirit; and then, How it is life and peace. 1. The spirit, in this context, is evidently used ina double sense, as is usual where both the Holy Spirit himself, and his work on the souls of men, are related unto l. The person of the Spirit of God himself, or the Holy Ghost, is intended by it, v. 9. If so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. And so also v. 11. The spirit, of him that raised up Jesus from the dead. He is spoken of as the principal efficient cause of all the spiritual mercies and benefits here and afterwards insisted on. 2. It is used for the principle_ of spiritual life wrought in all that are regenerate by the HolyGhost. -' For that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit,' John iii. 6. It is most probable that thename spirit is here used in the latter sense, not for the spirit himself, but for that which is born of the spirit, the principle of spirit- ual life in them that are born of God. For it is in its nature, actings, inclinations, and operations, opposed unto the flesh, v. 1. 4, 5 ; but the flesh here intended is that inherent corrupt principle of depraved nature, whence all evil actions do proceed, and wherewith the actions of all evil men are vitiated. The opposition between them is the same with that, mentioned and de= Glared by the apostle, Gal. v. 17, 18, &c. Wherefore the spirit in this place is the .'holy vital principle of new obedience wrought in the souls of believers by the Holy Ghost, enabling them to live unto God.' 2. Unto the spirit there is phronema ascribed, which, as we have intimated, is translated with great variety. Phronesis, is the principal power and act of the mind. It is its light, wisdom, prudence, knowledge, understand- ing, and discretion. It is not so with respect unto