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ÒP SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 169 we hope) the eternal blessedness and reward of our souls. Is it possible that any thing shouldbe more ne- cessary for us, more useful to us, than to be exercised in such thoughts and contemplations'? The benefits we may have hereby are not to be reckoned, some, of them only may be named. As (1.) We shall have the best trial of ourselves, how our hearts really stand affected towards God. For if, upon examination, we find ourselves not really to delight and rejoice in God, for what he is in himself, and that all perfections are eternally resident in him, how dwelleth the love of God in us l But if we can truly rejoice at the remem- brance of his holiness, in the thoughts of what he is, our hearts are upright with him. (2.) This is that which will effectually take off our thoughts and affee tions from things here below. One spiritual view of the divine goodness, beauty, and holiness, will have more efficacy to raise the heart to a contempt of all earthly things, than any other evidences whatever. ( 3.) It will increase the grace of being heavenlymind- ed in us, on the grounds before declared. (4.) It is the best, I had almost said, it is the only preparation, for the future full enjoyment of God. This will gra- dually lead us into his presence, take away all fears of death, increase our longing after eternal rest, andeven make us groan to be unclothed. Let ' us not then cease laboring with our hearts, until, through grace, we have a spiritually sensible delight and joy in the re- membrances and thoughts of what God is in himself. 2. In thoughts of God, his saints rejoice at the " re- membrance of what he is, andwhat he will be to them." Herein have they regard to all the holy relations that he hath taken on himself towards them, with all the ef- fects of his covenant in Christ Jesus. To that purpose 15