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OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 181 he will not onlydesist in his attempt, but even fly from you. Resist the devil, saith the apostle, and he will fly from you. He will not only depart and cease to trouble you, but will depart as one defeated and con- founded. And it is for want of this resistance, lively made use of, that many hang so long in the briers of this temptation. (2.) Recalling the experiences we have had of God, will lead us to the exercise of all kinds of graces, which is the greatest disappointment of our adversary. (2.) In thoughts of the divine beingand existence, we are apt to be at a loss, to be as it were overwhelm- ed in our minds, because the object is too great and glorious for us to contemplate on. Eternity and im- mensity, every thing under the notion of infinite, take off the mind from its distinct actings, and reduces it as it were to nothing. Hereon in some, not able to abiae in the strict reasons of things, vain and foolish imaginations are apt to arise, and inquiries how can these things be, which we cannot comprehend. Oth- ers are utterly at a loss, and turn away their thoughts from them, as theywould do their eyes from the bright beams of the sun. Two things are advisable in this case. 1. That we betake ourselves to an Holy admiration of what we cannot comprehend. In these things we cannot see God and live ; nay, in life eternal itself, they are not absolutely tò be comprehended, onlywhat is infinite can fully comprehend what is so. Here they are the objects of faith and worship : in themwe may findrest and satisfaction, when inquiries and reason- ings will disquiet us, and it may be, overwhelm us. Enfinite glory forbids us any near approach, but onlyby faith. The soul-thereby bowing itself to God's adora- 16