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OF SPIRITITAL MINDEDNESS. 193 all that we else pretend to will fail us in the day of our trial. This is the first thing whereinwe may evidence our- selves to ourselves, to be under the conduct of the minding of the Spirit, or to be spiritually minded. And I have insisted the longer on it, because it contains the first sensible egress of the sp-ring of living waters in us, the first acting of spiritual life unto our own expe- rience. I should nowproceed to the considerationof our affections, of whose frame and state these thoughts are the only genuine exposition : but whereas there are, or may be, some who are sensible of their own weakness and deficiency in the discharge of that part of this duty in being spiritually minded, which we have passed through, and may fall into discourage- ments thereon, we must follow him, as we are able, who will not quench the smoking flax, nor break the bruised reed, by offering something to the relief of them that are sincere; under the sense of their own weakness. CHAPTER X. Sundry things tendered to such as complain that they know not how, that they are not able to abide in holy thoughts of God, and spiritualor heavenly things ; for their relief, instruction, and direction. Rules con- cerning stated Spiritual Meditation. SOME will say, yea, many on all occasions do say, that there is not any thisg in all their duty towards God, wherein they are more at a loss, than they are in this one, of -fixing or exercising their thoughts or med- itations on things heavenly or spiritual. They ac- knowledge it a duty; they see an excellency n it, 17