q06 or SPIEITUAL MINDEDNESS. alone. Hence the apostle prays for the Colossians, that the word of God might dwell in them richly, in all wisdom, chap. iii. 16. That is, that they might abound in the knowledge of the mind of Christ, without which we shall be unfit for this duty. 5. Unweariedness hi our conflict with Satan, who, by various artifices and the injection of fiery darts, labors continually to divert us from the duties. He is seldom or never wanting to this occasion. He who is furnished in any measure with spiritual wisdom and understanding, may find, him more sensibly at work in his craft and opposition withrespect to this duty, than any other way. When we stand thus before the Lord, he is always at our right hand to resist us; and oft - times his strength is great. Hence, as was observed, ofttimes men design really to exercise themselves in holy thoughts, but end in vain imaginations, and rather take up with trifles than continue in this duty. Stead- iness in the resistance of him, on these occasions, is one great part of our spiritual warfare. And we may know that he is at work, by his engines and methods. For they cónsist in his suggestion of vain, foolish. or corrupt imaginations. When they begin to rise in our minds, at such times as we would engage them in spi- ritual meditations, we mayknow assuredly fromwhence they are. 6. Continual watchful care, that no root of bitter- ness spring up and defile us, that no lust or corruption be predominant in us. When it is so, if persons, in compliance with their convictions, endeavor some- times tobe exercised in these duties, they shall labor in the very fire, where all their endeavors will be im- mediately consumed. 7. Mortifications to the world in our affections and