208 OF SPIHITUAL MINDEDNESS. life which consists in these things 1 Alas ! you came into the world under the law, it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment; and the end why your life here is granted toyou, is that you may be prepared for that judgment. If this be neglected, if the principal part of your time be not improved with respect to this end; you will fall under the sen- tence of it to eternity. But men are apt to mistake in this matter. They may think that these things tend to take them off from their lawful employments and recreations, which they are generally afraid of, and unwilling to purchase any frame of mind at so dear a rate. They may suppose, that to have men spiritually minded, we would make themmopes, and to disregard all the lawful occasions of life. But let not any be mistaken ; I am not upon a design that will be easily, or, it may be, honestly de- feated. Men ale able to defend themselves in their callings and enjoyments, and to satisfy their con- sciences against any persuasions to the contrary. Yet there is a season, wherein we are obliged to part with all we have, and give up ourselves wholly to follow Christ in all things. Mat. xix. 21. And if We neglect or refuse it in that season, it is an evidence that we are hypocrites. And there was a time when supersti- tion had so much power on the minds of men, that multitudes were persuaded to forsake; to give up all their interest in relations, callings, goods, possessions, and betake themselves to tedious pilgrimages, yea, hard services in war, to complywith that superstition; and it is not the glory of our profession, that we have so few instances of men parting with all, and giving up themselves to heavenly retirement. But I am at present on no such design; I aim not to take men out