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OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 209 of their lawful earthly occasions, but to bring spiritual affections and thoughts into the management of them all, The things mentionedwill deprive you of no time you can lay a claim to, but will sanctify it all. I confess, he must be a great proficient in spirituali- ty, who dares venture on an absolute retirement, and he must be well satisfied that he is not called to a use- fulness among men inconsistent therewith. To them it may prove a disadvantage. Yet this, also, is attaina- ble, if other circumstances do concur. Men under the due exercise of grace, and the improvement of it, may attain to that fixedness in heavenly mindedness, that unconcernment in all things here below, as to give themselves up entirely and continually to heavenly meditation, and to a blessed advancement of all grace, and near approach to glory. And I would hope it was so with many of them in ancient times who re- nounced the world, with all the circumstances of rela- tions, state, inheritances, and betook themselves to re- tirement in wildernesses, to abide always in divine contemplation. But afterwards, when multitudes, whose minds were not so prepared, by a real growth in all grace, and mortification to the world, as they were, betook themselves under the same pretences to a monastical retirement, the devil, the world, sensual lusts, superstition, and all manner of evils, pursued them, found them out, possessed them, to the unspeak- able damage and scandal of religion. This, therefore, is not that which I invite the common sort of believers to. Let them that are able and free, receive it. The generality of Christians have lawful callings, employments, and businesses, which ordina- rily they ought to abide in. That they also may live 1.8*