214 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. and spiritual things, is required- previously hereto. When we go about this duty, if we rush into thoughts of heavenly things without a due reverential prepara- tion, we shall quickly find ourselves at a loss. See the rule, Eccles. v. 1, 2. Grace to serve God with reve- rence and godly fear, is required in all things wherein we have to do with him, as in this duty we have in an immediate and especial manne_. Endeavor, therefore, in the first place, to get your hearts deeply affected with an awful reverence of God, and a holy regard to the heavenlynature of the things you would meditate upon. Hereby your minds will be composed, and the roots of other thoughts, be theyvain or earthly, which are apt to arise and divert you from this duty, will be cast out. The principles of these contrary thoughts, are like Jacob and Esau, they struggle in the same womb, and oftentimes Esau will come first forth, and for a while seem to carry the birthright. If various thoughts do conflict in our minds, some for this world, and some for another, those for this world may carry it for a season. But where a due reverence of God hath cast out the bond woman and her children, the workings of the flesh in its vain thoughtsand imagina- tions, the mind will be at liberty to exercise itself on spiritual things. (3.) Earnest desires after a renewed sense and spirit of spiritual things, are required hereto. If we engage in this duty merely on a conviction ofthe necessity of it, or set ourselves about it because we think we ought to do so, and it will not be well utterly to neglect it, we may not expect to be successful in it : but when the soul hath at any time tasted that the Lord is gra- cious; when its meditatiòns on him have been sweet; when spiritual things have had a savor and relish in