226 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. of carefulness 2' Why this diligence `! Why these contrivances'! Why these savings and hoardings of riches and wealth l To what end is all this care and counsel l Alas ! saith one, it is to get that which is enough in and ofthis world for me and my children, to prefer them, to raise an estate for them, which, if not so great as others, may yet be a competency, to give them some satisfaction in their lives, and some reputation in theworld. Fair pretences ! neither shall I ever discourage any from the exercise of industry in their lawful callings : but yet I know, that with many, this is but a pretence and covering for a shameful en- gagement of their affections to theworld. Wherefore, in all these things, be persuaded sometimes to have an eye to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith : behold howhe is set before us in the gospel, poor, despised, reproached, persecuted, nailed to the cross, and all this by the world. Whatever be your designs and aims, let his cross continually interpose between your affections and this world. If you are believers, your hopes are, within a few days, to be with him for evermore. To him you must give anaccount of your- selves, and what you have done in this world: will it be accepted with him to declare what you have sav- ed of this world; what you have gained; what you have preserved and embraced yourselves in; andwhat you have left behind you l Was this any part of his employment and business in this world l Hath he left us an example for any such course l Wherefore no man can set his affections on things here below, who hath any regard to the pattern of Christ, or is in any measure influenced with the power and efficacy of his cross. My love is crucified, said a holy martyr of old ; he whom his soul loved was so, and in him his