1,E3 OF SPIBITUAL ffiINDEÍ)NÈSS: ò"f the foundations of the glorious kingdom of Christ in the world, was committed to them. Who would not think that he should provide for them, if not prin- cipalities or popedoms, yet at least arch-bishoprics and bishoprics, with other good ecclesiastical dignities and preferments 2 Hereby might they have been made meet to converse with princes, and had been freed from the contempt of the vulgar ; but Infinite Wis- dom did otherwise dispose of them and their concerns in this world: for as God was pleased to exercise them with the common afflictions and calamities of this life, which he makes use of to take off the sweet- ness of present enjoyments so they lived and died in condition of poverty, distress, persecution, and re- proach. God set them forth as examples as to 'other ends, namely, of light, grace, zeal, and holiness in their lives, so to manifest of how little concernment to our own blessedness, or an interest in his love, is the abundance of all things here below, as also, that the want of them all may consist with the highest partici pation of his love and favor. 1 Cor. iv. 9, 11 -13. 'For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were, appointed to`death. For we are made a spectacle to the world, and to angels, and to men, Even to this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place, and labor, working with our ownhands : being reviled, we bless ; being persecuted, we suffer it ; being defamed, we entreat : we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things to this day.' And if the consideration hereof be not of weight with others, undoubtedly it ought to be so with them who are called to preach the gospel, and are the successors to the apostles. There can be no-