OP SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 253 22. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, &c. They continue the same as they were in their essence, substance, and natural powers, but are changed in their properties, qualities, inclinations, whenever a new nature is given to them. So the waters at Marah were the same waters still, before and after their cure ; but of themselves, and in their own nature, they were bitter, so as that the people could not drink them ; in the castingof a tree into them, they were made sweet and useful. Exod. xv. 25, 26. So was it with the wa- ters of Jericho, which were cured by casting salt into them. 2 Kings x. 20, 21. Our affections continue the same as they were, in their nature and essence, but they are so cured by grace, as that their proper- ties, qualities, and inclinations, are all cleansed or re- newed. The tree or salt that is cast into these wa- ters, whereby the cure is wrought, is the love of God above all, proceeding from faith in him by Christ Jesus. CHAPTER XIII. The work of the renovation of our aaections. How differenced from any other impression on, or change wrought in them ; and how it is evidenced so to be. The first instance in the universality accompanying of affections spiritually renewed. The order of the ex- ercise of our affections with respect to their objects. THAT which is our concernment herein, is to inquire of what nature that work is which hath been on our own affections, or in them, and how it differs from those which, whatever they do or effect, yet will not render us nor themselves spiritual. And we ought to use the best of our diligence here 22