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32 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. wells, though of living water. For this is spoken by our Saviour in answer and opposition unto that objec- tion of the woman, upon this mention of giving liv- ing water, v. 10. Sir, saith she, ` thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep, whence wilt thou have this water V v. 11. True, saith he, such is the nature of this well and waterdead earthly things. They are of no use, unless we have instruments, lines, and buckets, to draw withal. But the living water which I shall give is of another nature. It is not water to, be kept in a pit or cistern without us, whence it must be drawn; but it is within us; and that not dead and useless, but continually springingup unto the use and refreshment of them that have it. For so is it with the principle of the new creature, of the new nature, the spirit and his graces in the hearts of them that do believe. It doth of itself; and from itself, without any external influence on it, incline and dispose the whole soul unto spiritual actings that tend unto eternal life. Such are the thoughts of them that are spiritually minded ; they arise from the inward principle, inclination, and disposition of the soul, are the bubblings of this well of living water ; they are the mindings of the spirit. So our Saviour describes them, Matt. xii. 35. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bring- eth forth good things. First, the man is good ; as he said before, make the tree good, or the fruit cannot be good, v. 33. He is made so by grace in the change and renovation of his nature; for in ourselves we are every way evil. This good man bath a treasure in his heart. So all men have, as the next words ,are; the evil man out of the eviltreasure.of the heart. And this is the great difference that is between men in this world