868 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. heart and mind will be so united to them, (that which the Psalmist prays for, Psal. lxxxvi. 11,) as that they will not be ready to depart from them, and give enter- tainment tovain, empty, foolish imaginations. Thoughts of other things, greater and better than what this world can contain, will be continually arising in the mind, not to be laid aside by any solicitations of vanity. For he that is wise cannot but know and consider, that the spiritual things which it exerciseth its thoughts about have substance in them, are durable, profitable, always the same; that the advantage, peace, rest, riches and reward of the soul lieth in them : but other imaginations, which the foolish mind is apt to give en- tertainment to, are vain, empty, fruitless, and such as end in shame and trouble. Again, the vanity of the mind, as an indulgence to foolish imaginations, ariseth from, or is animated and increased by, that gust and relish which it finds in earthly things, and enjoyments of them, whether law- ful or unlawful. Hence on all occasions, yea, in holy duties, it will be ready to turn aside, and take a taste of them, and sometimes to take upwith them; like a tippling traveler, who, though he be engaged in a journey on the most earnest occasion, yet he cannot but be bibbing here and there as he passes by, and it maybe, at length, before he comes to his journey's end, lodgeth himself in a nasty ale house. When men are engaged in important duties, yet if they always carry about them a strong gust and relish of earthly things, they will ever and anon in their thoughts di- vert to them, either as to such real objects as they are accustomed to, or as to what present circum- stances' administer to corrupt affections, or as to what they fancy and create in their ownminds. And some-