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370 OP SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. dry occasions of life and conversation are usually turn- ed or abused to the same end, exciting and exercising of the vanity of the mind. Wherever our affections are fixed on spiritual things, our minds will constantly be under a warning or charge to keep diligent watch against all these things, whereby that vanity which it so abhorreth, which it is s6 burdened with, is main- tained and excited. Nor without this prevalency in the mind, will ever a work of mortification be carried on in the soul. Col. iii. 2 -5. CHAPTER XXI. HAVING declared wherein this duty of being spirit- ually minded doth consist, that which remains in com- pliance with the text, from whence the whole is educed, is to manifest how it is life and peace, which is affirmed by the apostle. This shall be done with all brevity, as having passed through that which was principally designed And two things are we to inquire into. (1.) What is meant by life and peace l (2.) In what sense, to be spiritually minded is both of them i (1.) That spiritual life whereof we are made par- takers in this world, is three fold, or there are three gospel privileges, or graces so expressed. (1.) There is the live of justification. Therein the just by faith do life, as freed from the condemnatory sentence of the law. So the s righteousness of one comes on all that believe unto the justification of life.' Rom. v. 18. It gives to believers a right and title to life : for they that " receive the abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life byone,