OF S$ÏRITÚAL MINDEDNESS. 377 who, by a mere act of sovereign grace, have tasted herein of the goodness of God, who have had the con- solation and joys of it, to be negligent in the keeping and preserving it in their souls, is a provocation that they will at one time or other be sensible of. There is nothing doth more grieve the Holy Spirit, than to have his especial work, whereby he seals us unto the day of redemption, neglected or despised. And it ar- gues a mighty prevalency of some corruption or temp- tation, that shall cause men willingly, and by their own sloth, to forfeit so inestimable a grace, mercy, and privilege. And it is that which there are but few of us who have not reason to bewail our folly in. Every intimation of divine love is an inestimable jewel, which, if safely treasured up in our hearts, adds to our spirit- ual riches, and being lost, will at time or another affect us with sorrow. And. I am afraid that many of us are verynegligent herein, to the great prejudice of our souls andspiritual state. Many such intimations are given us by the Holy Ghost through the word, which we take little notice of; either we know not the voice of Christ in them, or do not hearken to him in a due manner, or refuse a compliance with him, when we cannot but know he speaks to us. See Cant. v. 2, 3. Or if we receive any impressions of a gracious sense of divine love in them, we quickly lose them, not knowing how much the life of our souls is concerned therein ; and what use of themwe may have in our following temp- tations, trials, and duties. Now, a great means of retaining a sense of the love of God, which is the only spring of life and peace to our souls, is this grace and duty of being spiritually 32*