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46 of SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. portance of it, and from its difficulty; God alone knowing fully and perfectly what is the hearts of men. I no way doubt, but that in the impartial use of these means, a man may come to assured satisfaction in his own mind, such as wherein he shall not be de- ceived, whether he dot animate and quicken his thoughts of spiritual things in duties, with inward vital grace, or whether they are impressions on his mind, by the occasion of the duty. A duty this is of great importance and necessity, now hypocrisy hath made so great an inroad on pro - fession, and gifts have deflowered grace in its principal operations. No persons are in greaterdanger of walk- ing at hazard with God, than those who live in the ex- ercise of spiritual gifts in duties, unto their own satis- faction and others. For they may countenance them- selves with an appearance of every thing that should be in them in reality and power, when there is nothing of it in them. And so it hath fallen out. We have seen many earnest in the exercise of this gift, who have turned vile and debauched apostates. Some have been known to live in sin, and an indulgenceof their lusts, and yet to abide constant in their duties, Isa. i. 15. And we may hear prayers sometimes that openly discover themselves unto spiritual sense, to be the la- bor of the brain, by the help of gifts in memory and invention, without an evidence of any mixture of hu- mility, reverence, or godly fear.; without any acting of faith and love. They flow as wine, yet smell and taste of the unsavory cask from whence they proceed. It is necessary, therefore, that we should put ourselves on the severest trial, lest we should be found not to be spiritually minded in spiritual duties. Gifts are gracious vouchsafements of Christ, to