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48 OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. will not thrive under the greatest constancy in such duties. It is an astonishing thing to see how, under frequency of prayer, and a seeming fervency therein, many of us are at a stand as to visible thriving in the fruits of grace; and it is to be feared, without any increase of strength in the root of it. God's hand is not shortened that he cannot save, nor his ear deaf- ened that he cannot hear. He is the same as in the days of old, when our fathers cried unto him and were delivered, when they trusted in him, and were not confounded. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever; prayer is the same that it was and shall lose nothing of its prevalency whilst this world endureth. Whence is it then, that there is so much prayer amongst us, and so little success l I speak not with respect to the outward dispensationof di- vine providence in afflictions or persecutions, wherein God always acts in a way of sovereignty, and oft- times gives the most useful answer unto our prayers by denying our requests: I intend that only whereof the Psalmist giveth us his experience, Psalm, cxxxviii. 3. In the day when I cried, thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.' Where prayers are effectual, they will bring in spiritu- al strength. But the prayers of many seem to be very spiritual, and to express all conceivable supplies of grace; and they are persisted in with constancy; and God forbid we should judge them to be hypocritical and wholly insincere. Yet is there a defect some- where, which should be inquired after : for they are not so answered, as that they who pray them, are strengthened with strength in their souls : there is not that spiritual thriving, that growth in grace, which might be expected to accompany such supplications.