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OF SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS. 93 concerning themselves, mayknow wherein their tempt- ations lie, what are the advantages whereby they per- plex their minds, and endanger their souls. In these cases generally, men are taught what are the ways and means of their deliverance and preservation. Wherefore there are three things required to this duty, and spiritual wisdom to them all. 1. To know what are the especial tempations from whence you suffer, and whereby the life of God is obstructed in you. If this be neglected, if it be disregarded, no man can maintain either life or peace, or is spiritually minded. 2. Know your remedy, your relief, wherein alone it doth consist. Many duties are required of us to this end, and are useful thereunto; but know assuredly, that no one of them, not all of them in conjunction, will bring in relief unto the glory of God and your own peace, without applicationby faith to him who is able to succour them that are tempted. Wherefore, (3.) herein lies your great duty with respect to your temptations, namely, in a constant exercise of your thoughts on the love, care, compassion, and tenderness of Christ, with his ability to help, succour, and save them that do believe ; so to strengthen your faith and trust in him, which will prove assuredly successful and victorious. The same duty is incumbent on us with respect to any urgent, prevalent, general temptation There are seasons wherein an hour of temptation comes on the earth to try them that dwell therein. What if a man should judge that now it is such an hour, and that the powerof darkness is put forth therein l what ifhe should be persuaded that a general security, coldness, dead- ness, and decay in grace, especially as to the vigorous actings of zeal, love, and delight in God, with an in-