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MED ·ITATIONS AND D I S:C b U ·R SE S ~ 0 N THE · G L 0 r~ Y of C I-I R. I S T , IN HIS Perfon ~, Office, and Grace: WITH 'The differences betweert FAITH and SIGHT. Appljed unto 'the ufe of the1n that . believei I· By the late Reverend JOHN OWEN, D. D. I LONDON, P.rinted by A. M. and R. R. for Benjamin Al[op, \ at the Attgei and ~ible in the Pouhrey over [ , againft the Church. 1 6 84.

PREFACE TO THE RE AD ER: GhriG:ian R.eader , 'THE Defign of the enfuing Difcourfe, is to declare (ome part of that Glory of our Lord Jefus Chrift, which is revealed in the Scripture, and prcpofed as the principal Objeff of our Faith, Love, Delight and Admiration. But alas! after our utmoft and moft diligent enquiries, we muft fay, How little a portion is it of him, that we can underftand! His Glory is incomprehenfible, and his praifes are unutterable. Somethings an illuminated mind maj conceive of it; but what we can exprefs in Comparifon of whftt it is in itt [elf, ,is even lefs than nothing. But as for thofe who have forfaken the only true Guide herein, endeavour._ ing to be wife ~bove what is writte-n, and to raiji A j thllf

Preface to the Reader. their Cent emplaticns by Fanoy and Imagination abov Scripture Revelation, (as many have done), they ha·ve darkned Connfel without knowledg, tltter- ..ing things .which they. underft.and not, mhich harr.;e ~·no fitbjf:mce or fpiritual food of Faith in them. HOJYBEIT, that real·vie"?v which UN may have of Chrift and his, GJory fr[this, World by fnith, however ?ltmk a:nfl trbfcure ' that ~ knowtedg which we .may attair1 of the;p by Divine Revelation, is inex.. preJ!ibly to be prefeired above all other Wifdom, ·un ~ , (ferflandi11g or Knowle~g ?vhatever. So it is declared by kir,r;, wb.a. 'J,J}ifl bepc~nmvlerlged a competent .1ud.g in ~befe thing!: Yea~doiibtlefs/{aith he){ I accom;t: all thefe things but lofs, for the. excellency of tHe lmowledg of Chrifr }efi1s my Lord. He ?vho dotb ?JOt fo, bath r;o pa1·t i?J him, ~ THE Revelation macle of Chrift in the bleffedGofpe.l, 15 far more ·excellent, more glo.riqr.ts, and more filled ?!Ji_tb. r.ayes . of Divine Wlfdom and. Goodnefs, than th.e whoie Creation; and the fu]l CQn:J}''ehenficn of it. if a.ttainab.le, c.an contain. or. aj]Qrd. Without t.he knowledg hereof, th~ mind of man, ,hvwe,.oer·pri-:- ~:l.ing. it felf in· ~tber. ht·vu1tions and Difl·o7xries, is ~rt~pp.ed up- in Darkmfs and Cory~ftrm. TBIS therefo~e ~le{erves th? flrr;e~efl of o~tr ThougJ:ns, the befl of Otfi' .Meditations, a:n4 ot~r. ·utmoft diligence in them. For if ou~· future ble)~erlmfs jh.aU conjifo in being. where be is.• and bebol~j ing of l1is .G)qry; ¥Jll.hat better Prep(trati1:n ctm ther~ be for it, than in t~ conJ~fl'!Jt previo!ls Cc'i}tempi(n'irm ·of th(?.t G!vry in . - 'tkt:

Preface to the Reader. the Revelation that io· made in t~e Gofpel, unto thu -pery end, that hy a -view of it, zve may begradually transformed into the fame GJory. · . . ~, . . . I SHALL .not therefore ufe any Apology for the publifhing of the enflting Meditations~ intended firft for the exerci{e .of m_y ozvn mind, and then for the Edification of a private Congregation, 'Jvhich is like to be the la(f Service I {ha./l do them in that kini. Some may by the con'jileration of them be called to attend unto the fii,ne Duty with more diligence than formerly ? and rtceive Directions for ~he dip c~qrge of it; :And fome may be provoked to .ccmmu· nicate their greater Light and Knowledg unto the good of many. .And that zvhich I r~efign farther. in the pre(ent Difcourfe, i.r to give a brief account of the Neceffity and Ufe, in Life and Death, of the Duty exhorted unto. · · ., 1? ARTICULAR motives unto the diligmt difcharge pf this Duty, will be prej]ed in the DijCourfe it fc!f. Here Jome things more general .onl_z foall be premifed. For all perfons n:ot immerfed in ferifoal pleajttres, not 0·7.Jerdrencht in the lorve of this Wvrld, a:d pre{e1 t things,?vho have anj generous 'or noble ThJI/ghts abcut their o'Jvn Nature,Eeing and End, are zmcl<~· the highelf Obligation to b'etake themfelves . unto this Con.. templation of Chrift and his Glory. T¥ithout thi.f they Jhall never attain true Reft o~· Satisfa~ Elion in their O'lYn minds. fie .it i:,· alcne in w.bom the Race of mankittd may boaft and glorj, on 'lvhom all its filicities do deper:d. For, r. Hf

:c. RE it is in 1~hom ou~ Nature,· ~l;icl.J 'vm. J.eba(ed as low as H.;il by Apoftafy from God, u exalied above the 'vhoTe Creation. Our Na'tU¥e in the Origipal Cpnftitutio~ , of it , !n the perfons qf ~ur jjr(f Parents, 'Jl)as ~rqwn~d Wtth Honour and. Dtg• ·~ity. The ltriag~ · of God whe~ein irwa.r mad?, and the ·Dom,inion over the lower l.f'brld where'2vith it 'Jvas. ·intru.fted , m~de it th? Seat of excellency~ of Beauty and of Glory. ·But of the~ all it _wa.r at once devefled and maae naked by firJ, and laid grovelling in the Du.ft frof}'J 7p.,hence it ?Vat taken,. . Di1ft thou art , and to dull: thou fhalt. return; ~J!at · its ,-;righteous Doom. .An_d all · ~t.s internal facultieJ' 'Jvere i1JvfZded by diformed Lufts; every thing that might 'l'fender the 7,vhole -gnlike unto God, whofe Imag~ # had loft. Hence # became the contemp,t of .Angels , the ..Dominion of Satan, ,vho being the enemy of the whole Creation, never 'had llPJ thing vr place t? rtign in, bat t;be debafed nature of man. No(hi;z~e; WO! nO'f more vile and bafe, ~tJ Glory 1»a.s utterly departed. It ha.,d bath loft its pecu,liar nearnefs unto (]od, whicq WO! it" Honour, and '-1-:11:0 fallen into the gr~ateft Di2 {tance from him of all Creatures, the Dcvjls only excepted , which -wm its Ignominy 4.n.d Shame·. .And in this ftate, as l!nto any _thing in it felj; # ' was left to perijh eterna,lly. . . IN thit Condition, Loft, Poor, Bafe, ye~t Curf ed , the Lord Chr~ff the· Son of qod found our Natu_re, .Arrd hereon in. . infinite Candefcention ff_nd Compaf/icn fanElifying a. portion of it u~to . . ~~~

·.Preface to the Reac1er. ~imfe.lf, he took it to be his own in an holy in- , eff'abte fubfifl1f11ce in his OWtf · Perfon. And here• in again .the [awe . n{lture fo depreJ!ed into the ut-: mo{f mifery, u exalted above the·. ')P~ol~ Creation bf God. for in thq! ve~r "?atur_e., (}bd bath fet him . at hts own nght band m the ·heavenly places, far above all Principalities, and Powers , and Might , and· Dqmi11ion , ~nd ev~ry Name that is named, not only in this VVorld, bur alfo in that which is to come. 'JDis is that which is fo· celeb'r~ted by the .Pfalmift, 7Vith the high.. eft Admiration, l(fal. 8. j, 4, ;~ 6, 7, 8_. Th" n the greatefl Privilerlg 7ve have among all our [ello1v-Creatures; This we m.ay glory. in, ana rpalue our [elves 'upon. 'Thofe who ingage this nature on the fervice of fenfual Lufls. and Pleafures , wh(} think th(tt its Felicit:y and utmoft C~paciti~s conjift in their fatisfaC!ion with the accomplifhment of other earthly temporary dejires ' are Jatisjied with it in its State of Apoftafie from God, But thofe 7vho have -rec-eived ihe Light of Faith and Grace; fo as rightly to un- ~-erftanrl the Bei11g and End of th(r..t "' Nature 2vhereof they are partakers, cannot .but. rejoyce in its deliverance from the utmoft Deb.afement in-.. to that glorious - Exaltation , '1vhich it hath re• cei·v erl irt the Perfon of Chri.ft. And th/5 mufo needs mctke thoughts. of him full of refrejhmenf unto their Souls. Let us tal"e care ~f our per-, fons ; the Glory of our nature is fafe in Him. fori 2. IN

Preface to the Reader. '2.. IN' him the Relation of our nature UntO God t is etemal!y {ecured, We 'JJJere crea~ ted 'in a Covenant Relation unto God. Our Nature 'JJJa.r related unto him in a way of Friendfoip, of 'Likenefs, and Complacency. But the Bend of this Relation and Union WtU quickly broken by our Apoftafy f rom him. Hereon our whole Nature became to be at the utmoft Mo.. ral diftance from God, and Enmity againft him, which io the depth of lviifery. But God in Infinite Wifdom and Grace did dejign once more to :recover it, and take it aga-in near unto himfelj: And he would do it in {uch a ·way, as J!!ou!tl render it utterly impoj]ible that there jhould ever be a Separation between him and it any more. Heaven a11Jd _Earth ma_y pa[s mvay, but there .fha{l never b·e a· Dij]'olution of the Union between God and our Nature any more. He did it therefore, by affuming it into a fuqttantial Union with himfelf~ . 'in the Perfon of the Son. Hereby the fiilnefs of the Godhead dwelt in it Bodily, or Subftantially ,; .. ana Eternally. Hereby is its Relatio1't unto Go~~ ' et'ernally fecu:.. red. And among .'1!! the My[fe'riot-11 Excellencies which relate hereunto , there are two which continually prefent themfelrues unto our conjidera- · t icn. ·. I. THAT this Nature of ours, is capable of this glorious Exaltation and Subfiftence in God. No Creature G{)f.l.ta conceive how Om-nipotent TFifdcm, Pclu/er Mtd Goodnifs, could aL'1u~ flte

Preface· to the Reader. ~· . IT is he, in whom our Nature hath heen car; Tietl ,ju~~esfu/ly, and rviEtoriortjly, through all the "Oppofitions that it is liable unto , and even Dead) -it relf: But the Glory hereof ~ foall [peak unto ·JlftinBlj in its proper. place, which follows, ami therefore .fhalt here Rafs it iJy. ·. 4· HE it' is, wf;o in himfelf hath given tts tJ Pledge of the capacity of our Nature to inha- 'bit thofe bleffed Reg.ions of Light , which arc far above thefe aJPeRable Heavens. Here we ·<iwelt in Tabernacles of Clay, that are crufh~ '(d before the Moth; fuch as cannot be raifed, fo as to abide one foot breadth abp<t'e the Earth we tread upon. The heavenly Luminaries which 'We can beho.ld, appear . too great and glorious for Otlr Cohabitation. We · are as Grajhoppers in .Dur own eyes , in 'comparifon of thofe Gigantick Beings; and they feem to dwelt in places, which would immediately [wallow up , and e>.·tinguifh Dur Natures. How then .fhall we entertain an :Apprehenfion of be~ng carried artd exalted above them all ? to have an everlafting fubfiftence in places incomprehenjibly more glorious than the Orbs 'JJJherein they refide ? . !/?hat capacity is there in our Nature of fuch , arJ HabitatiorJ ? But hereof the Lord Chrift hath given tt:r a Pledg in him- {elf. Our Nature in him, is .Pdffed through theft AfpeEhtble Hea<t1ens, and is cxaTted far above them. Its eterrtal Habitatio·tt u in the blejfed Regions of f.-ight and Glcry; and· he. bath promifed that where ·he is, there 1ve']1Uitl he, and that for ever. OTHER

\ 0 T i1 ER Encouragement:J there are innume~ rab/e to jfir . 11$ up Nnto diligence in the Jif. charge of the .Duty .here propojeJ ; namely, 'f eo~ ... t.inual Contemplation of the Glory of Chnfu in his 'Perfon, Office, and Grace. · Some of them, , the Principal of them , whicb I .have any Acquaintance with, are reprefented in the enfuing Di[courfe. I (hall therefore here add the peculiar Advantage which we may obta,in in the diligent difcharge of this Duty. Which . i~ , that it will .carry us chearfu!ly, comfort~blyl> and viCl:orioufiy, through ~ife and Death, and all that we have to conflill: withal in either of $hem. r:A N D let it be remembred , that I Jo IJer~ foppofe what is written on this SubjeEI in the enfoing Difcour(e , as being defigned to prepare the min4s ·of the Readers for the due.tmpro'Vement. of it~. . r:A S unto this prcfent Life, ·it is. well know.'ll what it is unto the moft of them , who concern themfelves ~ in thefe things. Temptations, Affli· Bions, Changes, Sorrows, Dangers, FearJ·, Sick•' nefs ant Pains , do fill up_ no [maD part of it•. And on the other ·hand, all. our Earthlyr Relijbes~ Refrejhments and Comforts , are unccr.tt~in, tran·· fitory, and unfotisfaEiory; all, things. of ea'ch fort beivg embittered by the Remainders of fin~ Hence. e.very . thing wherein . w.e are concern_m ,. h1116 !~ ~~o~ .Yf '!j_f_~b~ -fm~ ·§_~rr~ in it•.. 1s~. o_m'· _llwllf!._

labour under UTants , Poverty , and Straits, all their days; and fome ·have every f~'2V. hours free from Pains and Sickne[s. Apd all th~(e things, with others of an alike Nature are heightened at prefent, by the Calamitous Seafon wherein . oitr lot is ·fall:.n. All things almoft in all Na.- tions are filled with Confujions, Diforders , DanY,ers, Diftre/Jes and Troubles; Wars and Rumours of Wars., do abound, 'Jvith Tokens of farther ap~ pr.~achin$.1udgments; Diftrefs o_f. Nations, 'with perplexltles , · mens hearts fatlmg . them for fear , and for looking after thofe things · which are ' coming on the Earth. There is in many places, no Peace unto him that goeth· out, nor to him ,that cometh in , but great Vexations · are on the Inhabitants of the World ; Nation is deftroyed of Nation, and City of City, for ·God doth vex them with all ·Adverfiry. And in the mean time, Vexation, with the ·ungodly' deeds of wicked men, doth greatly fu~ther the Troubles of Life ; the fujferings of many al{o ftw the Teftimony of their Confciences are deplorable, with the Divifions amt Ammoji(z.es tht1t ·abound amongft all forts of Chriflians. . · · · · , BUT t~e Shortnefs, the Va~i!Ji the .Miferiesof humane Life, have been the fubJeffo{ the complaints of all forts of conjidering Perfons, 'Heathms ai {pelt m Chriftian's ; nor is it my prefen_t bujinefs to .infifl: upon them. My enquiry is _only after the Reltef · r;vhich we mayobtain at;ainft all theje evtls, that .uie faint not under them; th~t we ·may have the viflbrJ over them. .. · . · ' : THJ.S

·Ti..J IS in general is declared by . the ·.ApoJr-i. 2Cor~ 4· VV e are troul>led .on every fide , y~t .l)ot diftreifed ; . we are perptexed , but.not m defp~ir; perfecuted,but not forf~ken; caft do~n; but not ·deftroyed. Bttt for thts .caufe_we famt not, but tho our outward; man periih , yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our Trght affiiltion, · which is but for a moment worketh for us a more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory. .VVhile we look not at the things which are feen , but at the things which are not feen: For the things which are feen, are temporal ; but the things which are not fe~n, are . eternal. . 0 U R heholding bJ Faith things that are not feen, things jpiritual and eternal, will alleviate all our Ajjlifiiom , make their burJ.m light, an1 preferve our Souls from fainiJng under them. Of thefe things the Glory of Chnft where- ~{ we trettt, is the principal, and in a due fence comprehenjive of them all. For we , behold the Glory of God himfelf, in the face · of Jefus Chrift. He that can at all times retreat upto the comtemplation of this Glory, will be · carri- . ed above the perplexing prevailing fenfe of any of theft evils, of a c.onfiuence of them all~ Crus , nil fenrit in nervo dum anirnus eft ·n CCX!lo. · IT is a 'voful kind_ if Life, when me~ [cram- ~ le for poo~ peri.fhi»g Reliefs in their, Dijlrefles. . . ' . This

This ~s th~ ilniverfal Reme4y and c_ure, the on.. ly Balfom for' all our Difeafes. Whatever . pref [eth , · urgeth, - perp{e~eth; if we cim but retreat in our minds unto it ~iew of thi~ :Glory, ana ~Z Jue confideraiion Of our ·own Intereft therein ; Comfort . itn:~ Supportment wilt . be adminiftred unto tJS. l¥ick~d men in their Diftre.f!es, ,(which [ometimes. overtake even them alfo ) are like a troubled Sea 'tHat canriot reft. Others ar~ heartlefs 'and de[pond ; not without fecret . 'repi· mngs at th~ .. wifo difPofals of DjVJne Providence , e[pecially when they ldok. on the better Condition , (as they _fuppofe) of others. And the b'eft of tis all are aft to wax faz1it and weag ; when thefe things pre{s upon us in an unitfual manner , or under their long continuance without a prof peff of Relief. This is the ftrong hold which fuch J;>tifolier:s• ~f hope are to turn· . themfelve-s. unto. · · In · this · Conte~!Jplafio.n of the 'Glory of Chrift, they will find ·Refl unto thei'r'. trwn· Souls;, For, · .· :: . ~. I t wit!' , h·erein ; arJrl in the · . difthare;e of this 1 Duty, be ':made ,evident-, how.Jlight and ini. tonftderable .'a/t.l-tbefe t-hings (Jre fri'lf! ·whence our. )roubles and ; . J)ijfrejfos do.. arifo~ · For thej all grow ·on.. this root> lf a?J O~er·vaJuation of.Tern• pqral things. · And · unle{s we · can arrive' imfo a foe'tl judgment that · 'atr tlJings here below a_re tranfttory ana perijhing, reaching only unto the . Out'" ward man, or the ko.dy ( per~aps u.nto . th~ killing of it), that-.. ihe befl .of them ·~ave nifhing that is ttuli ·fobflantial tJr abiding its ' them; · tbflt· ther~ are

Preface to the Reader~ are other things wherein we have an ~!Jured Intere;i~ that are incomparably better than tbe_y,an,i abov~ then:; ~t ir impoj]ibfe but ,t~a~ we muft Jpend our ltves m Fears, Sorrows, and DifFraflions. One 'i- ;al view of the Glory of Chrift, and of.our 'c·um concernment therein, will give us a full relief in this matter. For what are' atl the things of this LZfo, what~· th~ good or evil of then:, in comparifcn .cf an Intereft in this tranfcenclent Glory? U1:JerJ we have due Ape prehenjions hereof, when our minds are pojj'ejjed with , thoughts of it, when our .Affetlions reach out after its en.foyments, let PairJ, and Sickne{s, and Sorrows, and Fears, and Dangers, and Death, fay what they will, we ]hall -have in readinefs u•herewith io Com . bate with them, ·and overcome them; and that on this Conjideration, that they are alt outward, tran~ jitory, and pajjlng a~ay; whereas our minds are fixed on thofe things which are etemal;and filled with irJcomprehenjible Glory. 2. THE minds if_ men are apt by their Troubles to be caft into Diforder, . to be tojjed up and donm; ana difquieted 'vith various Afj'eElions and Paj]ions. So 'the Pfal.mift found it in bimjelf; in the time of his Diftrefs; whe_nc~ he · calls himfelf unto that ac~ count: Why a~~ thou caft down, 0 .my Soul ? arid why·an thou difquieted in me? :A.rJd indeed the mina on all fuch Occajions, u its own greateft Troubler. It is apt to let loofe its Pajjions of ·Fear anfl Sorrow , which· atf themfelves in innumerable. perplexing fh.oughts; until it is carried utterly out of its own Power. But in this ftate a due Contemplation of the Glory 'of. Chrift,. will reftore and com.;. a po{e

Preface to the Reader. po{e the mj~d, ~ring it into a fedate quiet frame; 7vherein Fmth 1mll be able to fay unto the Wt:nds .and. l¥a·ves of di/lempered P(l_/]ions, Peace, be ftill, and they fhall obey it. . . . .. . 3· IT is the ?Pay and means of conveying a Senfe of Gods Love unto our Souls, ?vhich is that alone . ?vhereirt ultimately we find R.eft in the midft of all . the troubles of this Life, .m the Apoftle Jecfares,. Rom. 5'· 2, ~' 4, 5'· It is the Spirit of God, 'JPho alone commt:nicates a Senfe of this Lo'T.1e unto our Souls; It is ibed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghoft. Ho?JJbeit there ar-e ways and means to be ufed on our part, 7rhereby ?l-'e may be d?fpofed and made meet to receive thefe Communications of Divine Love.. Among th~(e the principal is the contemplation of the Glc~')' of Chr~ft infifterl on, and of God the Father in him. It is the Jeafcn, it is the ')}}ay and means; . at 'JPhich m,d 2vhcreb)' the Holy Ghoft will give a fenfe of the Lcve of God unto u-s, ca,ujing t# thereon to rejoyce with joy unfpeakable and full of Glory. .' T ':i iJ 7;__;,;/l be made e'Viclent in the en{uing Di{courfe. Tois r;.vill lift the minds and hearts of Believers a· b:;ve all the Troubles of this Life, and is the StnJe• raign Antidote that will expel'all the Poyfon that ·is in tbcm, which otherwife might perplex and enjlave their Souls. · 1 HAVE b11t touched on thefe things, llo de.figning to enlarge fomewhat on that which doth enfue. _Ana this is the advantttge we may have .in the difcharge of th.i1 Duty 'JJ)ith rejpefJ unto Death it felf. It is the affidnous Contemplatioq of the Glory . of Chrift, ?vhich 'will carry tH chearfully and comfortably into it, and through it. - My principal '»!ork h4ving been now

0 ~ow for a long feafon to Die daily, a; living in 11 r:orttinual expeilatiofz of my DijJolutivn, I fhall on tpii · eccafion acquaint the Reader with fome few of mj thou;;hts and reliefs, wt'th referenc~ unto Death it felf. -THERE are fundry things required oft-is, that 'JVe may be able to encounter Death chearfully~ conftantly, and ·viEforioufly. Fr;r '1-Vant of thefe:; or jome of them; I have known gracious Souls; who ha·ve Hved irt a kind of Bondage for fear of Death all their daies. We know not how God will manage any of our mindt and fouls in that feafon, in that Tryal. For he afls tow~Jrds ' tu in all fuch things, in a '2Vaj' of Sove.. raignty. But theft ·are the things which he req_uireth of us in a UMJ of Duty • 1 ~ PECULIAR affi'ngs of Faith to re.fign and _ commit our departing Souls into the hand of Him ; w~o is able to receive them; to keep and prefer'Ve them; ftf alfo to difpofe•of them into a ftat'e of Reft and Blef [ednefS, are required of us. THE Soul is now parting with all things here be:.. lo2v , and that for ever. }.Tone of all the things which it hath feen, heard or mjoyed, by its outward fen.fes, can be prevailed '2Vith to ftay with it one hou"'; or to take one .ftep with it; in the Voyage wherein it is ingaged. It mu.ft alone by it {elf lanch into eternit)'o It is entring an Iovifible \Vorld, which it knows no more of than it bath received by Faith. None hatb eome from the dead to inform t# vf the State of the o~ ther World. Yea, God feems on purpofe Jo to conceal it from us, that we jhould brrve no evidence of it; at leaft M unto the manner of things in it, but what is gi7Ten un:o Faith by Divine Revelation. Hem.·e thoje who a 2. JieJ

0 died and '];_,·ere 7'aifed qgain from the dear!, unto any conli1mance amo1tg men, as Lazarus, probably kne?v nothinJ!, of the Invijible State. Their ScJUls were preferv_ed ~~· thq Po?Per of God in their Beiz.zg, but bound up as unto pre{e11t Operations. This made a grea_t Emperor cry out en the app_roach' of Death; 0 amrnula, tremula, vagula, IJlandula; qu:r nunc abibis in loca horrida, fqualida, &·c. 0 poor tremling wandring Soul, into what places of darknefs and defilement art thou going!: I-IOW is it like to be after the few mvm~nts, which unrler the pangs of Death we have to continue in this l¥orld? Is it rm Annihilation that lies at the do{)r; i1 Death the DeflruCfion of our ·mhole Being, fo as that ~fter it · we - ~Jail be no more ? So fame 'Jvould hz:tve the ftate of things to be. Is it a .ftate of fobfi.ftence in a 2vanrlring condition, up and do'Jvn the World, under the Influence of other more powerful Spirits that rule in the (f-ir, vijiting Tombs and Solitary places, and (ometimes making appearances of themfdves by the Imprej]ions of thofe more pcwerful Spirits, as .fome imagine from the .ftory fOnceming Samuel and the \Vitch of Endor, and as it is com7J7only received in the Papacy, cut of a compliance with their !magi· natiort of Purgatory? Or is it a ftate of .uniroerfal mifery and wo? a ftate incapable of ccmfort or joy? Let them pretwd what they pleafe, who can underflan~} no comfort or .foy irJ this Life, but what the] recez-ve by their Sences, they can look for nothing el[e. .And whatever be the _{late of this Inroijible W£rld, the Soul can undertake nothing: of its own ~onducl after its departure from the Body~ It kno?vs · that

Praface to the Reader. that it muft be abfolutely at the difpofal of another~ WHEREFORE no man can ccmfortably venture on, and into this condition; but in the exercife of that Faith, 'Jvhich enables him to rejign anti give up his departing Soul into the Hanrl of God, who alone is aE!e to receive it, and to diJPufe it into a Conditio·n of Reft and Blejjednef!. So Jpeaks the Apojfle, I am not afhamed; for 1 know whom I have believed, and am perfwaded that he is able to keep that which I hav:e committed unto him, againit that day. IIEREIN, m in all other Graces, is our Lord 1efits Chrift our great example. He rejigned his departing Spirit into the hq.nds ofhis Father, to be owned arJd preferved by him, '£nits Jlate of Separatio11. Father, into thy hands I commlt:my fPirit, Luk. 2 i. 46; m did the Pfalmijl his Type, in an alike condition, Pfal. 3 I.)· But the Faith of our Lord:"fe{its Chrift herein, the object and exerr:ife of it, 'Jl)hat · h~ -believed anrl tru(led unto , in.tbis Rejig11aticn of his Spirit into the HmHl of God, is at large exprej]ed in the jixteenth Pfalm. I have (foith he) fet the Lord always before me: becaufe he is at my right hand, I fhall not be moved, therefore my heart is glad, . and my glory rejoycetb, my fle!h alfo fhall reft in hope. For thou wilt not leave iny foul in heH, neither wilt thou fuffer thine holy one to fee cor- .rtJptio::l. Thou wilt fhew me the path of life; in ~hy P,refence is fnlnefs of joy, at thy right .hand there are pleafures for evermore. He left his Soul ~rt the hand of God, in f ull aj]'urance that it .fhou!tl fUJJ'er no evil iu its fla te of Separation, but jlJol-114 a 3 hf

Preface to the Reader. fe brought again with his Body into a bleffid Refor· reffion,' and eternal Glory. So Stephen rejigned his Soul departing under 'Violence, into the hmzds of Chrift bim[elt: Tfhen he diecl,- he [aid, Lord Jefils receive my Spirit: THIS is the ln.ft ViEforiot/5 aEf of Faith, wherein its conqueft 0'7,Jer its !aft enemy peath ·it [elf doth confift. Herein the Soul faies, i1t- and unto it [elf, Thou art no1JJ taking lea'Ve of Time unto eternity; r:ll thingJ· about thee are tleptJrtiY-tg M Jhades,artd will im~ metliately difoppear. The things 7JJhich thou art ent-ring into .are yet in'V~fible; Such a! eye hath not feen, nor ear heard,- nor will they enter. into tpe heart of 'm~n fq11y t() conceive. Now therefore 'lvitb quietnefs and ;cc1Jfidence'j,i'Ve up thy [elf unto the Se-. <veraign Po;per, Grace, Truth, and Faithfulnej] of God~ and tliou fhalt find afjured refl anfpe~ce. · BUT JefiH Chrifl it is, who doth immediately recei'Ve the Souls of them who belie'Ve in him. So we foe in the inftanc~ of Stephen. And what can be tt $reater en~o!"ragement t?_reft.~n.them int.o h~s hands, than a dazly Contemplatzon of hts .Qlory tn hu 'Perfon., his Pon;er, his Exaltation, his Office and'Grace? Who that ·believes in him; that belongs.unto him, ·can fear to commit 'his departing Spit'it i(nto his Lorue, Power mzd Care? Even 'Jve altJd Jhall here~y in our dying momentJ· ·fee, by Faith, Hea'Ven opened, and J-efirs J!anding at the right hand of God, ready to recei7/e t~G., This atlded unto the Lo'Ve 'JJ:Jhich all Believers ha'Ve unto the Lord ,1ejiro, ?J.'hich is enflamed ~y CorJtem".· p!ation of his GlcrJ, and their dejires tv be with him i;Jhere be is,- it willftrengthen qnd confirm our. mi11~1 ·,_ 4

in the Refignati<m of our departing Souls into his .hand.. SECONDLY; It is required in tts unto ·the fame end, that we be ready and wi'lling to part with the ftefh, wherewith we ~re doathed, with a!! things that are ufeful and defit-·able thereunto. The Alliance, the Relation, the Fr.iendjhip, the Union, that are bet·u;een the Soul and the Buly , are the greateft, the neare{l, the jirmeft, that are vr can be -among meer created Beings. There is nothing like it, nothing equal ttnto it. Tr.Je Union of TDree pe;fo1?S m the one jingle Divine Nature, and the Union of ·two Natures in one pe;jon of Chr~ft, are i7tjinite, .ineffable, and exempted from a.fl comparifcn. . Rut .among created Being-s, .the Union of theje t?.vo ej]i: ntial .parts of the fame -Nature in cne Perfon, is rm{f excellent. Nor is any thing equal to it, or like it, f0!4nd in any othet Crea!ures. Thofe wbo amo1'(f, them have m~fl of life, have either rw Boilies,-tts Angels; or r;o Souls, but ·u;hat perijh ~vith them, as all m·ute ·c-reatures .below~ .ANG:ELS being pure immaterial Spirits , have . nothing in them, nothing ,bel012ging unto t.br:ir ij]ence, that cart die. Beafts have nothing in them that can live 7vhen their Bodies die. The Soul of a Beaft cannot be prefer'Ved in a feparate Condition, . no not by a1~ af1 of Almighty PoJJJer; f er ii is not ; arJd that which ~s nvt, cannot live. It is nothing but the Bocly it [elf in m1 act Df its material Pmvers. · ONLY the _Nature of A1an in all the V!Cr ;b of God is capable of thi! Convuljion. The eJ)imtial a 4 parlt

parts of it are [epa~able by -peath, the ~ne continuing to exift and aft zts efPectal Powers zn a [eparate _.~ jfate or conrlition. The Powers of the 'U>'hole entire , l . • c nature acti-ng in Soul an1 Body · in· conju118-icn, are · all fca.ttered and l~j} by l)ea~h. But the Po·u.J(!rJ of one Effential part of the fame N11ture, that is of the foul, are prefervul after Death ~n a more perjeEf aefi.;tg and extrcife than before. This is peculiar unto ~u:itrme natm·e, as a mean partakin__e; of Heaven (tnd Earth, tf the perfiEfion of Angels above, ttnd of the imperjeffio?z of the' Beafts beluw. Only ther.e is this diff'erence in thefe things: Our participation of the hca'Ven!y ffiritua! perfe{lions of the AngeHcal Nature, is for eternity; onr p~1rticipatifm of the im.._. per[tili9ns .of the animate creatures here below, is but for a jetJjo?J. Fer God hatb leftgmd cttr Bodies unto (itch t'l- glorictts refinemem at the Reforreflion, as that they jhali have no .more .Alliance unto that brutifl? ~at,ure, which perij1Jeth _fir ever. For we foall be ltlrt.yYiA.01~ lzke unto Angels, or Equal to them. Our bodies jhall no m&re be capable of thofe ARs and Operatians which are now cormnon to us with other hvi71f, ucatures here below. THIS is the preeminence of the nature ofman, 01 the wife man declares. For, unto that Objeffion of .Atheifl:ical Epicure.ms, As the one dieth, fo dieth the other; they ha Ye all one breath, fo that a man bath no preem!nence above a beaft and aH go into one place, all are of the dufr, and all turn ~o the dufi: again: He granteth , that as unto their Bodi"s it is fot a _(cajlm, in them ?ve have a prefent f.4~ticipatio1J of.th, ir natvtre; But, f~ith he, here !i,.. r ,, , , ' · · e:b

e:h the Difference, Who ·knoweth .the 'fpirit of a . man that goeth upward, and the fJ?irit of a beaft · that goeth downward unto the earth? Unlej1 we kmw this~ unlefs we confider the different ftate of the fpirit of Men and Beafls, we cannot ·be_delivered from, this .A.theifm ; bt}t the thoug'hts hereof ,vilt [et Uf ' ~t liberty fro'm it. · They dle in like man... ner, andtheir bodies go equally to the duft for a Jeafon; but the Beaft bath r;o fpirit, no foul~ but what dies with the body andgoes to the duft. . If they had., their bodies alfo muft be raifod again untq a conjunilion with them. .Other-;pife Death mould produce a nc'JV race of creat14res unto Eternity. But man bath an immortal Soul,· !fl#h ~e, an· heavenly Spirit~ which when th·r; Borly goes into the dufo for a feafon, afcends to Heaven ( where the guilt of fin, and the curfe of the Law; interpofe not) from whence it is there to exi{f and to aB (lll .its Native po'Jvers in. a ftate of blej]ednefs, . ~ . . BUT M I [aid, by reafon of this peculiar intimate Union and Relation between the Soul and ·Body,there is in the whole Nature a fixed Averfation from a , Dijfolutio1't. The Soul and Body are naturally and necej]arily umvilling to fall into .a flate of Separation, wherein the one Jha!l ceafe to be what it was, and the other kncws not clearly how it ]hall fubfijf. The Body cla.JPeth about the Soul, and the Soul re... ceiveth Jlrange Imprej]ions from itj embraces; the en• tire nature exijfing in the Union of them both, being unalterably aver(e unto a Diflolution. JYHEREFORE, unlefs ?-JJe can overccme this in- ~lination, zve ctrn ne·ver die comfc rtably or chearfully~ We

U'C' would intleed rather chu(e to be cloathed upon; _that mortality mightbefwat1owed up oflife,tbat the · £loathin]t of Glory mit,ht come on our whole Nature, ·'Soul and Body~ without Diffolutlon. But if this may · not be,. yet ·thev do believers fo conquer thio Inclination hy Ft~ith. and View~ of .the Glory of Chrifo, m · to attain a· dejire of thil Dijfolution. So the Apoflle · -teftifies of himfelf, I have a defire to depart, and ·· to be with Chrift, which is far better than to abide _there, Phil. r. 23. faith be, £.,.J9u~fttv ~x~. Not ar~ wdinary dejire, not that .which 'JI.Jorketh in me now and then; but a conftant habitual Inclination work- "ing in vehement ·Affs and Defiru. And what doth he fo dejire? It i.r tlvt~.AV'fld.l, t:o depart, fa.y 'Jve, out of thio Body, from· thu ·T-abernacle, to leave' it for a foafon.. But it io (uch a departure m conjijls in the Diffolution of the prefent ftate of his Being, that it fhould not be ·what it it. But how io it pojfwle that a man Jhould attain fuch a11- Inclinat ion unto, fucb a Readinefs for, fuch a vehement dejire of a Diffolurion ·? It ii from a View by Faith of Chrijf and hio ·Glory; whence the Soul is {atirfied, that to be with ·him ir incomparably better than in its prefent flat: and condition. . . ,· HE therefore that would die comfortably, mufl b~ .able to /ay withirt himfelf and to himfelf; Die the,n -thou frail and Jinful flefh; Duft thou art, and un- ·tO dufi: thou fhaft return. I yeild thee up unto the righteou,s doom of the holy One. Yet therein alfo I give thee into the hand of the great Refiner, who will hide thee i.n thy Grave, and by thy confumption purifi.e thee from all thy Corruption and Di!pojition tb ev:l.

Preface to the Reader. tvil. And otherwife thi4 will not he. After a long Jzncere Endeavour for the Mortification of all fin, I ' find it will never be abfolutely perfeEf, but by thi.r ReduCfion into the duft. Thou jhalt no more be a rejidence for the leaft remainder of fin unt.o Eternity, mr any clog ·unto my Soul in its affings on God. Reft therefore i'n hope; For God in his appointed fea{o?t, when he fhall have a defire unto the work of his hands will call unto thee, and thou fhalt anfwer ' him out ofthe duft. Then {hall he by an aEf of his Almighty Power, not only reftore thee unto t~y priftine Glory, as at the firft Creatio,1! when thou waft the pure Workman(hip of hif hands; but enrich and ~dorn thee ?-vith inconceivable Priviledges. and Ad- "Uantages. Be not then afraid; away with all RelHffancy, go into the Duft, reft in Hope, for thou fualt ' ${and in- thy lot at the end of the daies. THAT wfoich will enable r,u hereunto, in an emi- · nent manner, u that Vie?v and Confideratton of the Glory of Chrift, ?-vhich -/5 ' the fubfeil of the enfuing Mtditatiqns. For he who u now poffef]ed of all that Glory, undenver. t thu Dij]olution of Nature as tru- - ~y, and really as ever we Jhall de. · · THIRDLY; There is required hereunto, a Rea· Jine{s to comply with the Times and Seafons 'JMhe:r_ein Gotl ?vould ha'Ve us depart and leave this T¥dld. Many think 1hq Jhalt be . willing to die when their time is come; but they have many reafons, liS th~y Juppofe, tv dejire that it may not yet be, which fir the moft part arife meerly from .' Fear, and mz · Averfation of Death. Some dejire to live {hflt they may fee more of that .glorious ~ork of ' God

Preface to· the Reader. God for his Church, which .they believe he will ac~ · complifh~ So Mofes prayed that he might not Jie in the l1'ildernefi, brJt go over Jordan and fee the good l~nd, and that goodly Mountain, and Lebanon, the Seat of the Church, and of the Wor- 'jhip of God; which 7et God thought meet to deny unt() him. . And this Denial of the requeft of Mofes, made on the higheft conjideration poj]ible, is inftruElive unto all in the like cafe. Others may judg themfelves to have.fome work to do in the World, "Jllberein they fuppofe that the Glory ~f God , and Good of the Church iJ concerned, and therifore zvould . be [pared for a fea_(on. Paul knew not clearly whe• -ther it ')}}ere not beft for him to abide a while longer in the flejh on this account. And David often, de- . ·precates the prefent feafon of Death, becaufe of the work 7vhich-he had to do for God in the World.Others rife no higher tha·n their own private b;ter~/fs or concerns -;vith reJPeB unto their Perfons, their Fami.. lies, their Relatio11S, and GoodJ in this World. They would fe.e tbefe things in a better or more {ettled con.. -ditivn, before they die, and then they foal! be moft 'JJJilling fo to do. But it is the love of Life that liq at the bottom of all thefe dejires in men, which of it [elf will never forfake them. But no man can die chearfully or comfortably, who lives not in a conftant Refignation of the time and feafon of hi~ death unto the 7vill tf God, as welt as himfelf with rejpert unto Deatb it [elf. Our times are in his hand, at his Soveraign difpofal, and his Will in all things muft be complied withal. Without this Refolution , withot/.t this Rejignation, no man can enjoy the leafo folid peace in this lf'Orld. FOURTH~

FOURTHLY; As the times and feafons; fo ti.Je ways and means oft~ approaches of Death ba-pe efpecial Tryals•, which un/efs we are prep_areJ for them, 7vill keep us under Bondage wit,h the fear of Death it felf. Long wafting wearing Confurnptions. burning. Fevers, ftrong pains of the Stone, or the like, from within, or Sword, Fire, Tortures, witb Shame and Reproach from without, may be in the ~ay ofthe Acce{sof Death unto us. 8vmewho have bem wholly freed from all fears of Death, m a DifJolution of Nature, who harue looked on it m amiable, and deftrable in it {elf, ha'Pe yet hadgreat exercife in their minds about theft ways of its approach~ They have earnefllr dejired, that this peculiar bitternefs of the Cup might be taken away ; to get above all perplexities on the account of thefe things, is part of our Wifdom in Dying dailr. And we a:re to have alwaies in a readinefs thofe Graces and Duties which are neceflary thereunto. Such are a conftant Re· fignation of our Jelves, in all events, unt(} the So- -peraign will, pleafure and difpofol of God. May he not do what he will with his 1own ? 1.s it not right and "!eet it jhould be (o ? Is not his Wul in all tbings Infinitely Ho~r, Wife, Juff, and Good? Doth he not know what is beff for u:r, and what conducetb moJf U1Jto his own Glory ? Doth not he alone do fo? So is it to !roe in th~ Exercife of Faith, that if God calls u:r unto any of t·hofo things , , which are peculiarly dreadful unto our Nnture{, he wil! gi--pe ~:r fuch foppltes of Spiritual ..ftrength and i:' atience , m foal! enable tu to undergo them~ if not with eafe and joy, yet with Peace,

Peace a~d ~ietnefs beyond our Expeffation. Mu!~ titudes have had experience that thofe thi-ngs 'lvhich at a diftartce have had an .A.JPeCf of overwhelming dread, have been far from unfupportab!e in their approach, when 1frength bath beerJ receh.Jed from above to encounter with them. And moreovet it is in this cafe required~ that we be frequent and fteady in comparing tbefe th~ngs 1vith .thofe which are eternal, both m unto the mifery, whzch we are freed from, and that blejfednefs which iJ· prepared for us. But I Jbalt proceed r;o {art her witlJ thefe particu• Jars. THERE ·is none of all tbe things we have i~ft· ed on, neither the Refignation of a departing Soul into the hand of God, nor a willingnefs to lay down this ftefh in .the duft, nor a readinefs to corn· ply with the will of God, as to the times and feafons, or the way and manner of the approach of Death, that can be attained unto, 'JJJithout a proJPeCf of rhat Glory that jhall give us a new ftate far more -excellent than what we here leave or·- depart from. . This we cannot have; whate• ver we pretend, unlefs we have Jome prefent views of the Glory of Chrift. An Apprehenfion of the fu• ture Manifeftation of it in Heaven, will not relieve $11, if here we know not what it is, and wherein it doth confift ; if we have not fome previotJS Difcovery of it in this Life. This is that which will make all things ea(ie and pleafant unto ~a, even Death it [elf, m it is a means to bring 114 unto its full enc. joyment. - OTHER

OTHER great and glorioen AJvantttges which may be obtained in the diligent difcharge of the Dllty here propofed, might be injifted on; but thqt the things t"lJemfelves difcourfed of will evident!J Difcover, and Dire8 m unto the Spring and Reafons of them: Be fides, Weaknefs, Wearinefs, and the near ApprDRches of Death do call me off from any further. l~tboar in this kin_d.

f John XVII. 24. Father, I will that they alfo whoJJl thou haft given 111e, br: witb 171e where I ant : that they nzay behold nzy Glory which thou haft eJ?jeJz nze, ,.~~f~M,_~H E High Priefi: under the Law tl when he was to enter into tbe · Holy Place on the Solemn dav of AtOnement, was to -take both his handsf'ull of (?JJC:e t J" I11cen[e from the Golden Yeb!e of Incen(e, to carry along with. him in his entrance. He had alfo a· Cen{er fiiled with Fm:lf) that was taken fi·om the Altar of Burm· off'erir:gs, where Atonement was made for-Sin wirh Blood. Upon his afrual entrar.ce through the vail, he put the Incenfe 01) the Fire in the Cmfer., Until tht Cluu! of its fmoak covered the Ark, and the lvlercy Seat. See -Levit. I 6. I 'l_,__! ~· And the end hereof '\\'as to prefent unt.o God, in ·the behalf of the People, a f weet f~lling Savour fi·om the . Sacrifi~e of :Pr.o~ pitiation. See the Declaration of tlw(e things in .PRr ExpoJir~on of !lib. 9th. · . . 2 l'N

~ J.Jeditations and DifcourfeJ 1N Anfwer unto this Jldyfl-ical Type, the great T-Iigh-prieft of the Church, our Lord Jeftls Chrift, being to enter into the Holy Place 11ot made with h,1nrl-', did by the glorious Prayer Recorded in this Chapter, inflnenced from the Blood of his Sa"' cr ilice, fill the Heavens above, the glorious Place o( God's Refidence, with a cloud of Incenfe, or the (weet perfume of his Bleffed Inrerceffion; typed -by the incenje offereqlby the High-prieft of old. By the fame Eternal Fire wherewith he offered himfelf a bloody Sacrifice ;o make Atonement for Sin, he kindled in his moft Holy Soul thofe defires for the .Application of aH its Benefits unto his Church, which are here expreffed, and wherein his lnterceffion doth confift. ' I T is onely one paffage in the Verfe above named, that at prefent I defign an enquiry into. And this is the (ubje[f- matter of what the Lord Chrift: here defires in the behalf of thofe givert hiin by the Father; namely, That they may beholfl his glory. IT is evident, That in this Prayer the Lord Chrift hat:h refpec1 unto his own Glory, and the manifeftatimz of it, which be had .in the entrance asked of the Father, ver. 4., 5. But-in . this place he hath not fo much refpe<'1 unto it as his own, as unto the Advantage, Benefit,Satisfaetion and Bleffednefs of his Difciples, in the beh oldin~ of it. Forthefe things were the end of all . ~hat Mediatory Glory which was given unto him. ' So Jofeph charged his Brethrn;, when he had revealed himfelf umo them, that they fhould tell his Father of all his Glory in Eg;pt, Gen.45'· I 3· This he did, not for an Oftemrition of_his own Glory, but for the Satisfaction

on the Glory ef Chrifi. 3 faElitm which he k1:ew his Father would take in the Knowledge of It. And fi1ch a manifeflation of his Ghry unto his Difcip1es doth the Lord Chrift here defire, as might fill them ty~tl} me[ed sa.. tisfaction for evermore. · THIS alorie which is here prayed for,wiiJ give them fuch fatisfaction, and nothing elfe. . 'l'h.e Hearts of Believers are like the neerlle t'ouched bv the Load-ftone, which canrrot reft until it com~s to the Point whereunto by the fecret V~nue pf it, it is cliretl:ed. For being once tou~hed by th ~ Love of Chrift, receiving therein an impriffion of fecret ineffable. Venue, they will ever be in motj ~ on, and rdUefs; until tbey come unto him~ anp behold his Glory. That Soul which can he fatisfjed 'JJJithout it; th:at.cannot be eternally fatisfied ?vit h it; is not partaker of the effi~acy pf his Jnter}:~ffion. , · I fuafl ·Jay' ,the Foundation ofthe enfuing M:e... ditati6ns. in .this one Affertion, namely, That one of thegreateft Pri'Viledges and Ad'Vancements of Be lievers,- rbot~ in this lForld, and unto Eten1ity, CO'f!i fifts in".1heir ~ BEHOLDING THE GLORY DF CHRIS'J'. )This ther_efor.e he defires f,or them .in this Soi~m1.11 . Jnterceflion, as the complement pf all his other requefts in their behalf; That ~h~y may behbld my Glory. ''Jvtt 6.£~»f~~~; .that they may fee, 'Vi.t.?v, behold or contemplate on my Glory. Th_e Reafon,s why l . affign not tl)is glorious Privil,edg~ onely unto the HeavenlJ ftate, whi~h is prinFipaJJy r~fpected in this pla.ce, but apply it unto th~ ftate ,of BeHevers in this W.orld alfo, witb thei,: Puties and ;t>riviledges .ther~in, PJ.all .be jmrne.d,}.,. ately ,cl~~lar.~q. ·_, . E.~ 4L:t.

4 1.\1cditathms a11d Difi'~;' 1trfis ALL unbelievers do in their Heart call Chrift Ichabod; T11here iJ the Glory ? They fee neither forme nor cameline{s in him, that he fhould be defi:. red. They look on him as it1ichal Saul's Daughter did on Da·vid dr:mcinJ.; before the Ark, when·lbe defpif'ed him in her Heart. They do not indeed ( many of them ) call Ye.{tts Anathema, but cry, Hail Jvlt-rfler, and tben ( rucify bim. HENCE have we fo many Curfed Opinions advanced in derogation unto his Glory, fame of them really defirnctive of all that is truly fo; yea · denying the onely Lore! that bought us, and fubfiituting a falfe Chril1 in his room. And others there are who exprefs their ilight thoughts of him and his glory, by ·bold irreverent .enquiries, of what u{e his perfim is in our Religion ; as. though there were any thi_ng in our Religion, that bath either Reality, Subfiance, or Truth , but by vertne of its Relation thereunto. And by the~r Anfivers, they bring their own Enquiries yet nearer unto the borders of Blafpbemy. · ' NEVER was there an Ageiince the name of Chriftians was known upon the Earth, wherein there was fl1ch a direct Oppofirion ma'de . ~!1ro the Perj1in and Glory o{t:hrUl,as there is in that wherein we live. There were indeed in the firfi: Times of the Church, !warms of proud, doting,brainfick perfons, who vented many foolifh imaginations about him, which iOl.1ed a~ length in Ar·ianifm, ;in who(e Ruines they were buried. The Gates ~of Hell in them, prevailed not againft the Rock on which the Church is built. But as it was faid of Cte{ar, Soltt<l accejjit {cbrius, acl perdenrlam Rempublicam ; He alon~ went foberly aboltt the Dejlr.JCfton qf t6e

on the Glo1:J of Chrift. tbe Commomvealth; So we now have great Nu m... bers who oppofe the Per!on and Glory of Chrift, under a · p1:etelice of Sobriety of Reafo·n, as they vainly' plead. Yea, the disbelief of the Myfieries .of the Trinity, and the Incarnation of the Son of'Gorl, the foie Foundation of Chrifiian Religio·n, is fo .<.Hfufed in the World, as that it hath almoft devoured the power and vitals of it. And nor a few, who dare not yet exprefS their minds, do give broad intimations of tbeir intentions a11d grod wiJI towards him, in making them the Obj~Cl of ,their fcorn and reproach, who de fire to know nothing but him, and him Crucified. GOD in his appointed rime will effectually Vindicate his Honour and Glory, fi·om the vain ·attempts of men of corrupt minds againft them. JN the me;an time, ir is the Duty of a!J rhpfe who love the Lord 'refits in finceri ty, to give Tefrimony in a peculiar manner unto his Divine Perfan .and Glory, according unto their fevera! Capacities, becaufe of the Oppofirion that is made againfi them. 1 H A V E thought my felf on many accounts obliged to caft my Mite into thi$ Treafury. And l have chofen fo to do, not in a ,way of contrcverjie (which formerly I have engaged in) , bur fo, as · together with the vindication of the Trmh. to promote the ftrengthning of the Faith of true Believers, their Edification in the Knowledge of it; and to exprefs the E~perience which they have, or may have of the Power and Reality of thefe things, TI::IAT which at prefem l defign to Demonfhate is, That the Beholding of the Glo~r of Chr~!J, is one of tht greateft Privi(erlges and 4dvanccmtn·; B 3 thfl.t

6 Meditations and _DifcmJrfe.r thai Believers tire capable of in-this JJ!orld, or that iwhich is to come. It is that wliereby they are firft gradually conformed unto it, and tbenfixed-.in the Eternal enfo_rment of it. Fot here in this life, beholding his Glory,they are chan.e;ed or transformed into thelikenefs of it, 2Cor. 3· 18. and hereafter,they, {hall be for e'Ver like umo him, becat1fe they Jhall fee him as he is, 1 joh. ~· I, 2. Hereon do our prefent Comforts, and future Bleifednefs depend. This is the Life and Reward of oar Souls. He that bath [em him,hath feen the Ftlther alfo; Job. I 4· g: Fbr we difcern the Li._~ht of the Kno'u;/edge of ' Go_d, onelyin the Face of'jejit:S Chrift, 2Cor. 4· 6. .THERE are therefore, two ways or degrees of ~eholding the Glory of Chrijf, which are conftantly diftingi1i£hed in the Scriptni·e. The one is by Fa ith in this World, which is the Evidence of t:hinEs not {een. The other is by Sight,. or im-:- i11td iate vifion in Eternity, '2. Cor. 5'· 7· Wnvalk h.r f'•z ~h and not ~y fight. vVe do fo whilft we are in this Vlorld, whilej we are prefent in the Body~ find abfent from the . Lord, ver. 8. But we £hall live and walk by Sight hereaftei•. And it is the Lord Chrift and ·his Glory, which.are the imme- . diate objeCt both ·of this Faith and Sight. For we l1ere behold him ·da rkly in aGlafs, (that is by Faith) but 'JVe Jhall fee hirn face to face ; ( by immediate ,·iflon.) No'JV ?ve kno'Jv hirn in part: but then we {halt hJow him aJ ?.J.Je are kno'Jl)n, I Cor. I 3· 1 '2.. What is the difference betweer1 tbefe tWo ways of beholding t.?e G!cry o(Chrifl, {hall be afterward~ de!=lared. • J T is th~ f}rft ·way ,namely by Vifion in rhe Light ~r Glory, tpat i~ princ~papy inclu~ed i.n ~bat pray- ~i· of otH' Blefkd Satnour; that h1s D1fciples may !, ' ' : - '. i . ' ' ; - ~: ~ . . "' . . bt

on the Glory of Ch1·ijl. 7 be where he is,to b~ho!d his Glory. But, I fball not confine my enquiry thereunto ; nor doth our Lord Jefus exclude from his defire, that Sight of his Glory which we have by faith in this World ; but prays for the PerfeCtion of it in Heaven. It is therefore the firff way, that in the firft place I fuall infift upon , and that for the Reafons enfuing. . . 1. N 0 man Ihall ever bebold the Glory of Chrift by Sight hereafter, who doth not in fame meafi.1re behold it by Faith here in this \N orld. Grace is a neceffary preparation for Glory, and Faith for SiY,ht. Where the Subject, the Soul, is not previoufly feafoned with Grace and Faith, it is not capable of Glory, or Vijion. Nay, perfons not difpofed hereby unto it, cannot defire it, what ever they pretend ; they onely deceive their own Souls, in fuppofing that fo they do. Moft men will fay with confidence, living and dying, that they ttjire .to be with Chrift, antl to behold his Glory ; But they can give no Reafon, why they Ihould defire any fuch thing ; onely they think it fomewhat that is better than to be in that evil condition which otherwife they muft be caft into tor ever, when they can be here no more. If a man pretend himfelf to be eqamoured on, or,greatly to defire what he never faw, nor was ever reprefemed unto him. he cloth but dote on his own Imaginations. And the pretended defires of many, to behold the Glory of Chrifl in Heaven, who have no view of it by Faith whilft they a.t:e here in this \rVorld, are nothing but felf-deceiving imaginations. S 0 do the Papifts delude themfelves. Their Carnal Affections are excited by their outward · B 4 Senfes,