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·.Preface to the Reac1er. ~imfe.lf, he took it to be his own in an holy in- , eff'abte fubfifl1f11ce in his OWtf · Perfon. And here• in again .the [awe . n{lture fo depreJ!ed into the ut-: mo{f mifery, u exalted above the·. ')P~ol~ Creation bf God. for in thq! ve~r "?atur_e., (}bd bath fet him . at hts own nght band m the ·heavenly places, far above all Principalities, and Powers , and Might , and· Dqmi11ion , ~nd ev~ry Name that is named, not only in this VVorld, bur alfo in that which is to come. 'JDis is that which is fo· celeb'r~ted by the .Pfalmift, 7Vith the high.. eft Admiration, l(fal. 8. j, 4, ;~ 6, 7, 8_. Th" n the greatefl Privilerlg 7ve have among all our [ello1v-Creatures; This we m.ay glory. in, ana rpalue our [elves 'upon. 'Thofe who ingage this nature on the fervice of fenfual Lufls. and Pleafures , wh(} think th(tt its Felicit:y and utmoft C~paciti~s conjift in their fatisfaC!ion with the accomplifhment of other earthly temporary dejires ' are Jatisjied with it in its State of Apoftafie from God, But thofe 7vho have -rec-eived ihe Light of Faith and Grace; fo as rightly to un- ~-erftanrl the Bei11g and End of th(r..t "' Nature 2vhereof they are partakers, cannot .but. rejoyce in its deliverance from the utmoft Deb.afement in-.. to that glorious - Exaltation , '1vhich it hath re• cei·v erl irt the Perfon of Chri.ft. And th/5 mufo needs mctke thoughts. of him full of refrejhmenf unto their Souls. Let us tal"e care ~f our per-, fons ; the Glory of our nature is fafe in Him. fori 2. IN