96 Meditations and Dif:ourfel THIS is that love of Chrlft wherein he is glorious, and wherein we are by Faith to behold.:his Glory. A great part of the Bleifednefs of the Saints in Heaven, and their Triumph therein, con. iifts id their beholding of this Glory of Chrift, in their thankful contemplation of the Fruits of it~ fee Rev. 5· 9, I o. &c. , _ THE illnftrious Brit,htn~fs wherewith this Glo· ry fhines in Heaven·, the All -fatisfying Sweetnefs which the view of it gives unto the Souls of the Saints there Paffeffed of. Glory, are not by us con· ceivabl~ nor to be expreffed. Here this love paj]eth knowledg:, there we fhall comprehend the Dimen- :fions of it. Yet even here, if we are not flothful and carnal, we may have a refrelhing profpetl: of it ; and where Co,mprehenfion fails,let Admiratt:. on take place. , · MY prefent Bufinefs is to exhort others unto the Con,templation of it, tho it be but a little, a very little, a fma11 portion of it , that I can conceive ; and lefs than that very little , that I cat1 exprefs. Yet m~y it be my duty to ex~ cite not only mY felf, but others alfo unto due En'q uiries after it, unto which End I offer the things enfuing. · • ~~ LABOUR that your minds may continually be fitted and preparedfor fuch Heavenly Contemplations. If they are carnal and fenfi1al , or filled with earthly things, a due fenfe of ~his Love of Chrift and its Glory, will nor ab1de in rbem. Venue and Vice in their highdt Degrees are not more di~ anietricaU)' op-pofite and inconfiflent in the fame !hind, than are an Habitual Courfe of fenfi1al worldly