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on the Glory of Clrift. 11 I TFills, in what we do towards God, fo much there is of Obedience, and no more. Howbeit ·we are antecerlently Unto an atl:s of our own Wills, obliged unto all that is called Obedience. From the very Conftitution of our Natures, we are neceffarily ·fubjetl: unto the Law of God. All that is left unto us, is a voluntary compliance_ with unavoidable commands ; with him it was not fo. An A Cl: of his own Will and and Choice preceded all Obligation as unto Obedience. He obeyed becaufe he would, before becau(e he ought. He faid, Lo I come to do thy will 0 God, before he was obliged to do that will. By his own choice and that in an act of Infinite Condefcenfion and Love, as we have lhewed., he was made of a woman, and thereby made under the Law. In his Divine Perfon he was Lord of the Law, above it, no more obnoxious unto its Commands, than its curfe. Neither was he afterwards in himfelf on his own Account unobnoxious unto its Curfe, merely becaufe he was innocerJt, but alfo becaufe he was every way above the Law it felf, and all its force. THIS was the Original Glory of his Obedience. The Wifdorp, the Grace, the Love, the Condefcention that was in this Choice, animated every act, every duty of his Obedience rendring it amiable in the fight of God, and ufeful unto us. So when he went unto J-ohn to be baptized, he who knew he bad no need of it on his own Account, would have declined the duty 9f adminifiring thatOrdinance unto him;but he replied,Suffer it to be fo now, for thus it becometh us to fulfil tdl righteoufne(s, Mat. 3· I 5· This I have undertaken r;villingly of my own accord without any need of H 3 it