on the Glory ~~ Cj,rift. .. t2.9 bi.1ght to be f~ch a cont'unti:!on between thi giit~j . pe_rjim _and ~im t.9at foff'ers ro i~ him, as tha:t in h:i~i the gmlty perfon may be fa1d m fotne fenfe t9 ui'i~ dergo the ~.uni~nien~ 1}1mft !f ,But t~en they a~ firm od the other hand, ,That .th.cre was no fuch co~junEl~on betw~e~, Chtiff and finners, hb'l"\e .:;u: all; but that he was a man, , as' rbey were men; and dtherwife,that he wa§ at the gf~are fr diftancefrQhl tHem all, as it is poffible for ode rnan to be fi~orri another, Socin. de Servat./ib. 3· cav. 3. The falfe.: nefs ot this l<tttet Affertiod, .ana 'che grdfs igi1o~ tance of the Scripture und~r a p re'tence of fub-:- tilty, iri thern that make 1t, will evidently appear in our enfilirig Difcourfe. . T i-I E Apoi?le tells us f Pet. -1~24; That in his o,J;'n [elf he bare our fins i~1 his own body on th'iuree~ and chap. 3. I K That he f uffered for fin, the .fuft for the unjujf, tha,t he might bring us unto God. Bt1t ihis fee-ms fometvhat ftrapge unrb Re<lfon ; t\1here is the Jriftiee, \vhere is the Equity, that the juft fuould fhffer for the unjuft? V\/ here . is Divine Righteoufn~fs herein ? For it was an atl: of God~ The ~ord bath laid on him the iniquities .of us all<; Ifa. 5' 3· 6. The Equity hereof, wi th the grm1nds of it, rndft be het e a little ehquitrd into. FIRST of all, it is certain rh at all the' Elect~ the whol~ Church of Go'd,fe11 1i11;.1dam,under the curfedue to the tranfgreffion~'rs' t1 1e Law. lr is fo ~H fo, that in this curfe; Deatb .-' borl1 Tempera! and Eternal was Contained. This cutft none Could undergo and be faved. Nor was it confiftent wi th the Righteoufne~, ot Holinefs, or Truth of God, that fin fhould go unptmifhed . \Vherefore there ~as a ne,effiry upon a fttppofition of Gods De- ~ ~re ~