Owen - BT200 O97 1684

\ 0 T i1 ER Encouragement:J there are innume~ rab/e to jfir . 11$ up Nnto diligence in the Jif. charge of the .Duty .here propojeJ ; namely, 'f eo~ ... t.inual Contemplation of the Glory of Chnfu in his 'Perfon, Office, and Grace. · Some of them, , the Principal of them , whicb I .have any Acquaintance with, are reprefented in the enfuing Di[courfe. I (hall therefore here add the peculiar Advantage which we may obta,in in the diligent difcharge of this Duty. Which . i~ , that it will .carry us chearfu!ly, comfort~blyl> and viCl:orioufiy, through ~ife and Death, and all that we have to conflill: withal in either of $hem. r:A N D let it be remembred , that I Jo IJer~ foppofe what is written on this SubjeEI in the enfoing Difcour(e , as being defigned to prepare the min4s ·of the Readers for the due.tmpro'Vement. of it~. . r:A S unto this prcfent Life, ·it is. well know.'ll what it is unto the moft of them , who concern themfelves ~ in thefe things. Temptations, Affli· Bions, Changes, Sorrows, Dangers, FearJ·, Sick•' nefs ant Pains , do fill up_ no [maD part of it•. And on the other ·hand, all. our Earthlyr Relijbes~ Refrejhments and Comforts , are unccr.tt~in, tran·· fitory, and unfotisfaEiory; all, things. of ea'ch fort beivg embittered by the Remainders of fin~ Hence. e.very . thing wherein . w.e are concern_m ,. h1116 !~ ~~o~ .Yf '!j_f_~b~ -fm~ ·§_~rr~ in it•.. 1s~. o_m'· _llwllf!._