Owen - BT200 O97 1684

labour under UTants , Poverty , and Straits, all their days; and fome ·have every f~'2V. hours free from Pains and Sickne[s. Apd all th~(e things, with others of an alike Nature are heightened at prefent, by the Calamitous Seafon wherein . oitr lot is ·fall:.n. All things almoft in all Na.- tions are filled with Confujions, Diforders , DanY,ers, Diftre/Jes and Troubles; Wars and Rumours of Wars., do abound, 'Jvith Tokens of farther ap~ pr.~achin$.1udgments; Diftrefs o_f. Nations, 'with perplexltles , · mens hearts fatlmg . them for fear , and for looking after thofe things · which are ' coming on the Earth. There is in many places, no Peace unto him that goeth· out, nor to him ,that cometh in , but great Vexations · are on the Inhabitants of the World ; Nation is deftroyed of Nation, and City of City, for ·God doth vex them with all ·Adverfiry. And in the mean time, Vexation, with the ·ungodly' deeds of wicked men, doth greatly fu~ther the Troubles of Life ; the fujferings of many al{o ftw the Teftimony of their Confciences are deplorable, with the Divifions amt Ammoji(z.es tht1t ·abound amongft all forts of Chriflians. . · · · · , BUT t~e Shortnefs, the Va~i!Ji the .Miferiesof humane Life, have been the fubJeffo{ the complaints of all forts of conjidering Perfons, 'Heathms ai {pelt m Chriftian's ; nor is it my prefen_t bujinefs to .infifl: upon them. My enquiry is _only after the Reltef · r;vhich we mayobtain at;ainft all theje evtls, that .uie faint not under them; th~t we ·may have the viflbrJ over them. .. · . · ' : THJ.S