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·14g · Medi-tations and Difl·ourfer · .•4· 'THIS Commu;tication unto Chrifi: is ( r.) U~~ t.o his Perfon ; and then ( 1...) \Vith refpeet unto this Office. lt is in the Perfon of Chrift that alt fulnefs doth originally dwell. On the Affump· tion of humaneNature into perfona: Union with the Son of God , all fnlnefs dwells in him bodily, · Col. 2. 9· And thereon ~ecei:ring the fpirit in all fulne!S ~ and not by meafure, all the Treafures of Wifoom and Know1edg were hid in him Col. 1... 3 ; and he was fiHed with the unfearchable Riches of Divine Grace, Ephe[ 3. 8, 9, 1 o, 1 r. And the Office ofChrift is J~othing bntth~ way appointed in the VVifdom of God, for the communication of the treafures of grace wiich were communicated unto his Perfon. This is the end of the whole Office of Chrift in all the parts of it, as he is a Pries!, a ~Prep het and a King. They are I fay, nothing but the ways appointed by infinite wifdome for the communication of the grace · laid up in his perfon unto the church. The · tran!Cendent glory hereof, We have in fome·weak meafure enquired into. 5· THE Decree of Eletlion prepared, if I may [o fay, the lviafs of the New Creation. In thr old creation, God firft prepared and created the Ma(s or Matter of the whole, which afterwards by the power of the Holy Spirit, was formed into all rbe diftinct Beings whereof the whole creation .was to confift; and animated according to their diftinct kinds. . AND in order unto the produCtion and .perfect ing of the work of tbe new creation, God did from Eternity in the holy purpofe of his ·VVill prepare, and in Defignfet apart unto him- . f~lf