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·Ti..J IS in general is declared by . the ·.ApoJr-i. 2Cor~ 4· VV e are troul>led .on every fide , y~t .l)ot diftreifed ; . we are perptexed , but.not m defp~ir; perfecuted,but not forf~ken; caft do~n; but not ·deftroyed. Bttt for thts .caufe_we famt not, but tho our outward; man periih , yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our Trght affiiltion, · which is but for a moment worketh for us a more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory. .VVhile we look not at the things which are feen , but at the things which are not feen: For the things which are feen, are temporal ; but the things which are not fe~n, are . eternal. . 0 U R heholding bJ Faith things that are not feen, things jpiritual and eternal, will alleviate all our Ajjlifiiom , make their burJ.m light, an1 preferve our Souls from fainiJng under them. Of thefe things the Glory of Chnft where- ~{ we trettt, is the principal, and in a due fence comprehenjive of them all. For we , behold the Glory of God himfelf, in the face · of Jefus Chrift. He that can at all times retreat upto the comtemplation of this Glory, will be · carri- . ed above the perplexing prevailing fenfe of any of theft evils, of a c.onfiuence of them all~ Crus , nil fenrit in nervo dum anirnus eft ·n CCX!lo. · IT is a 'voful kind_ if Life, when me~ [cram- ~ le for poo~ peri.fhi»g Reliefs in their, Dijlrefles. . . ' . This