Owen - BT200 O97 1684

This ~s th~ ilniverfal Reme4y and c_ure, the on.. ly Balfom for' all our Difeafes. Whatever . pref [eth , · urgeth, - perp{e~eth; if we cim but retreat in our minds unto it ~iew of thi~ :Glory, ana ~Z Jue confideraiion Of our ·own Intereft therein ; Comfort . itn:~ Supportment wilt . be adminiftred unto tJS. l¥ick~d men in their Diftre.f!es, ,(which [ometimes. overtake even them alfo ) are like a troubled Sea 'tHat canriot reft. Others ar~ heartlefs 'and de[pond ; not without fecret . 'repi· mngs at th~ .. wifo difPofals of DjVJne Providence , e[pecially when they ldok. on the better Condition , (as they _fuppofe) of others. And the b'eft of tis all are aft to wax faz1it and weag ; when thefe things pre{s upon us in an unitfual manner , or under their long continuance without a prof peff of Relief. This is the ftrong hold which fuch J;>tifolier:s• ~f hope are to turn· . themfelve-s. unto. · · In · this · Conte~!Jplafio.n of the 'Glory of Chrift, they will find ·Refl unto thei'r'. trwn· Souls;, For, · .· :: . ~. I t wit!' , h·erein ; arJrl in the · . difthare;e of this 1 Duty, be ':made ,evident-, how.Jlight and ini. tonftderable .'a/t.l-tbefe t-hings (Jre fri'lf! ·whence our. )roubles and ; . J)ijfrejfos do.. arifo~ · For thej all grow ·on.. this root> lf a?J O~er·vaJuation of.Tern• pqral things. · And · unle{s we · can arrive' imfo a foe'tl judgment that · 'atr tlJings here below a_re tranfttory ana perijhing, reaching only unto the . Out'" ward man, or the ko.dy ( per~aps u.nto . th~ killing of it), that-.. ihe befl .of them ·~ave nifhing that is ttuli ·fobflantial tJr abiding its ' them; · tbflt· ther~ are