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I 70 hieditationJ and !Jifcour.fes .dom of God, his Infinite VVifdom in the Trea.. fi.1res of it, able by various ways to atrtain the e;~ds qf his glory, was niade known unto tqem. Herein, namely, in the Recolle8ion of all things in Chrifr, Di.vin~ VVifdom bath made known and repr~fente,d it felf in all its ftores and treafi1res n nto Angels and men.. In him are hid, and by himare difplayed,alt the tuafuresof'1vifdom, Cot ~· s· Herein is he glorious, and '..Vill be fo to E· ~ te~nity. r . HE is glo11ious herei 1, in that hereby firmnejj. and fec~;trity is 'commuaicateJ zmto the 2vhole new Cre{ltion. The .firft Creation in its order was -a c.;:url.ous and glorious . Fabrick. But every thing depending immeciately on God by vertue of the principles of its own nature and the law of its obedience, all was brought unto a lofs by the fin of Angels and Men. But now every thing that belongs unto this new Creation1 even every ~eliever in t!1~ wor15i . as well as the Angels in heaven being gathered together in this one head , the wh,oie and all , and every pan: and , rnember of -it , even every particu- · lar . belkver are fecured fi·om ruin, fu ch as befell a11 things before. In this Ne'v Heod they have an it~ditfoluble confifi:ency. BUT manum de Tabula. I fha11 infift on 11 more Inftaiices ofthis mitnre which plentifully oft:er . themfel~e~ : in the Scripture unto us. For whp can declare _ this glory of Chrifi ? VVho ~can fpeak of thefe things as he ought ? I am fo far from defigning to fet forth the whole of it, that I am