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I 72 Medit4tions a11d Difcourfes CHAP. X I I. Differences hetween our beholding the Glory of C hrifl hy Faith in this world, a1zd hy fight in He a~ ven. The firft of thent explain· ed. W E walk here by faith, and not by fight, 2 Cor. 5'· 7· That is, in the Life of God, in our walking before him, in the whole of our Obe· dience therein, we are undtr the conduct and influence of Faith, and not of S~e;,ht. Thofe are the two fl?irimal Powers of our Souls ; by the, one whereof, we are made partakers of Grace, Holinels and Obedienc~ in this Life ; and by the other, of Eternal Bleffednefs and Glory. BOTH the!e, namely , Faith and Sight, the one in this Life, the other in that which is to.come, have the fame immediate Object. For they arethe abilities of the fo.ul to go forth unto, ~nd to embrace the ir object. Now this obJeLl: of them both, is the Glory of Chrift' as ·hath been declared, as al~o what that glory is, and wherein it doth confift; wherefore my prefent defign is to enquire into the difference that is between 1 our beholding of the Glory of Chrifo in this world by Faith, and tbe vijion which we {halt have of the J.~me glory he~eafter~ · THE