on ·the Glory of .Chrift. 17~ · THE latter of t'hefe is "peculiarly intended in that prayer of our Lord Je~us Chrift for his Difci· pies, ]oh. 17. 1'2:4· Father I 'Jllill that thfy alfo whtJm thou h~Jff given me, may be ,with me where I am, that they may behold my glory whjch thou haff givt:n me. · But I fhall not diftinQ:ly infift \1. pon it, my deftgn being another wq.y, rei:petting princi- ·pally the work of God in thjs life, and the privi.. ledges which we enjoy thereby : Yet I fhall now take a fhort profpeCt of t~at alfo ; not abfolutely, but in the differences that are between Faith and Sigh.t, or the ¥iew which we have of the glory of Chrift in this world by Faith , and that which they eojop by Vifion .~ho are above; the object of them both being adequately the fame. . BUT herein alfo, l fha11 have refpeCl: only unto fome of iho[e things which concern our . pratl:if~, or the prefent immediate exercife of Faith. , For I have elfewhere handled at large _theftflte of tbe Church nbove, or that of p,refent Glory; . Giving .an accounr of the Admininiftrarion of t\1e.. Oj]ice of Chr~fo in heaven, his prefence among the, glorified fouls, and the Adoration of. God under his conduct .: I havealfo d~clare~, the advantage which they haye by being with him, and the . profp~a· . they have of .his,glory. 1(ber,efofe . thefe .~things . ftum be 'here only tot~ched., on.. · · TH,ESE Ditfere.IJces .may ·be referre~ . unto · two heads. (.1.) , T~1~fe. wNch flr.lfe fn~m the,.tfif ferenP. Natur.es and ael;tpgs.o,( th.,ofe ,Mta,ns.... ~n~- 'in- : ftru~mt s wher~\>Y. ,,we., fl£~J.:ell,c.u<t.rh.is .. !Jl~Y ,.of ,'Chnft, ·namelyr Fa;th al,l<l ~ifipn . ... And(2~) :'tl!ofe· ... that,~ifc.7rom, the <;liff:6.1'~~. t .$ff:~81(PtQ'4JI~~c1. PY tbem• . ,ln~an.c~~-iru:a~~, kiJ14 ~'\U](e, gir.~n. "' · .. . '1 THE . \ . .