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the Glory of Chrift. 219 ' AGAil..J; In the fecond plac.e, it is fro.m ourJe!ves principally. if we lofe_ the vtew? of the Glory of Chrifr, and the exerc1fe of faith be obftruCl:ed therein. 'All our fpiritual difadvamages ·do arife fi·om our felves. It is the remainder of lufts and corruptions in us,either indulged by floth and negligence, or excited and inflamed by Satans Temptations, thJt do obftruct us in this duty. Whilft ' ~hey are in any diforder or difrurbance, it is in vain for ns to expeCt any dear view of this Glory. · THAT view of the Glory of Chri.ft, whereof , we tf~~t,confift~ in two things; namely, its efi>ecial Nature, anq 1ts neceffary Adjunff.or effeCt. The f1rft is , a JPi'ritua'{)perception or unrlerflanding of it as revealed ir; tbe Scriptures. For the revelation of the Giory of h~s Perfon, Office and Grace, ~s th~ rr.incipal Subject of them, and the principal Obje(\: of our fuith. .<\ nd the other ' confifrs in multiplied th@ughts tJbout him,, with attings of faith in Love, Trufr·, Delight, and longing aiter the fnp enjoyment ofhim, 1 Per. I. 8. If we fatisfie our felves in meer notions and fpecula- ~ions abopt ~h~ Glory of Chrift as doCtrinally reyeal~d unto. llS, we fuall find no transforming powe1: or efficacy communicated nmo us thereby. But when under the conduct of that fpiritual Light onr affections do cleave unto him with full purpofe of heart, our minds are filled with thoughts of him) and delight in him, and faith is kept up unto its conftant exercife in Trufr and Affiance on him, virtu~ wil~ proc~ed from hirp to pt~rifie our hearts, increa(~ on.r holine~, ~ ftrengthen our Graces, and · to fill us fometimes ~Jitb jo)' unfpeakable and full of glory. This is rhe jnft temperature of a ftate of fpi·