22l . r. THERE is in obfiinate unbelievers · a . darkne(s that is an effect of the power of Satan qn their .minds, in blinding of them, which makes l't impoffible for them to behold any thing of the Glory of Ch_ri!l:. So the A poftle declares it, ·If our g~[pel be hid, it is hid unto them that are /off, i~ whom thegod of this world hath bli_nded the minds of them that believe not, left the lig'ht of the gloriour gofpel o.f Chri(!, who is the imagfJ of God, jhou!tl J.l!ine .unto rhem, 2 Car. 4· 3, 4· Ofthefe we do not fpeak · 2. THERE ,is in all men, a cormpt, natura/ 4arknefs; or filch a depravation of their minds by nature, as that they cannot difcern this Glory of Chrift in a due m'1imier. Hence the Light jhinetb in darknefs, and ~he darknefs comprehendeth it not, Job. I. 5'· 'Fqr the natural ?nan receiveth not the . things of thsJPirit of God,.for they are foolijhnefs un- ' to him,neitber can he k'>tow them,becaufe theJ are]piritually difcerned, I Cor. 2. 14. Hence it is that ~ltho Chrift be preached among us c8ntinua11y, yet there are very few who difcern any Glory or B·eaury in him, for which he Jhould be defired, as the Prophet complains, Ifa. 5'3· I, 2·, But I fpeak not of this natural darkne(s in general. But even thefe perfons have their minds filled with prejudices againft the Gofpel and darkned as unto the Glory of Chrift according as corrupt lufts and affections are prev~Ient in them~ fee Joh. 1. 44· chap 12. 43· Hence is the difference that is among the common hearers of the word. For altho no man can do any thing of himfe!f for the receiving of · ,Chrift, and the beholding of his Glory, without the efpecial aid of the Grace of God, Mat. I J. 24 . Joh.