2 2 2 Meditations a11d Difcourfes Joh. 6. 44, 45 ; Yet fame may make more oppo· fition unto believing, and lay more hindrances in their own way ,than others; which is done by their lufts· and corruptions. . 3· THERE. are thofe in whom both thefe evils are cdred by faith, wherein the eyes of our underftandinrr,s are enlightened to perceive and dif~ cern fpiritual things, Ephe{ 1. 1 6, 1 7, I 8. But this cure is wrought in this life but in part, r Cor. 1 ~·I 2. And in this cure by a fupply of a principle of faving light unto our minds, there are ma. ny degrees._ For fame have a clearer light than .others,and thereby a more clear difcerning of the Myftery of the Wifdom of . God.an~ of the Glory ofChrift therein. But whatever be Ollf attainments herein, that which obftrud:s-this.light, that hinders it from iliining in a due manner,that obfiruets and hinders faith irl its view of the Glory of Chrift. And this is done by the remainders ~f corrupted r;ature in us, when they aCt iri any prevalent degree. For they darken the mind and weaken it in its fpi· ritual Operations.That is,where any con't1pt and inordinate affeCtions, as love of the world,cares about ir,inclinations tinro fenfuality ,or the like fpiritual ditorders do prevail,fait'o. is weakened in its fpiritual aCts, efpecially in difcerning and beholdgo the Glory of Chrift. For the mind is rend red unfteady in its enquiries after it, being continually diftracted and d1verted with vain thoughts and Imaginations. . PERSONS under the Power of fuchDiftempers may have the fame doflrinal knowledg of the Perfan of Chrift his Office and his grace with other inen,and the fame evidence of its Truth fixed on their'