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on the Glory of Chrift. 223 their minds; but when they endeavour a real intuition into the things themlelves, all things are dark and confufed unto them from the uncertainty and inftability of their own minds. THIS is the ft1m of what I do defign. VVe have by faith a view of the Glory of Chrift. This view. is weak and unfteady from the nature of faith it felf, and the way of its propofal unto us as in a Gla(s, in corn_parifon of what by fight We 'fhail , attain unto. Blit moreover, where corrupt lnfts or inordinate affections are indulged unto, where they ate not continually mortified, where any one fin hath a perplexing prevalency in the mind, faith will be fo far~eakeqed thereby, as that it can neither fee ndr meditate upon this Glory of Chrift in a due manner. This is the Reafon why the rnoft are fo weak ahd nnftable in the performance of this duty, yea are almoft utterly unacquaimed with it. The light of faith in the minds of men being impaired, clouded, darkned by the prevalency of unmortified lufts, it cannot make filch difcoveries of this Glory, as otherwife it would do. And this makes tQe preaching of Chrift unto ma- · ny founprofitable,as it is. . SECONDLY.;. In the view of the Glory of Chrift which we have by faith, it will fill the mind with thoughts and Meditations aboUt him, whereon the affections will cleave unto him with delight. This, as was faid, is infeparable from a fpirirual view of his Glory in its due exercife. .£- very one that bath it, rnuft and will have many tho~ghts concerning, and great affeCtions to him. See the delcription of thefe things, Phi!. 3· 8, Io. It is not pofiible, I fay, that we fhould behold the Glory