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arid perplex it with a Multitude of thoUghts about their own Objed:s, as ihall leave no place for Sedate Meditations on Chtift and his Glory. And where the thoughts ai·e engaged, the AJfections .which pardy excite them , and partly ate lead by the·m, wi11 be fixed alfo, Col. ~· I, 2. THlS is than,Vhich in the mofr, gteatly prdmoreth that imperfe8ion, wblch is in our view of the Glory of Chrift, by Faith in this Life. J\ccording to the proportion and 'degree of the prevalency of Affections, cor tu pt, earthly, felfiili or fenfhal, filling the Heads and Hearts of meri with a multitude of thoughts about what they ate fixed on, q,· inclined unto; fo is faith obftructed and Weakened in this Work and Di.uy. WHEREFORE, whereas there is a remainder of thefe Lufi:s, as to the Seeds of them in us all, tho more mortified in fame thari in others; yet having the fame effeB:s in the minds of all; according to the Degree of their remainder; thence ic is as from an Efficacious caufe of it, that our view of the Glory of Chrift by Faith, is rrt many .fo weak, imperfect and nnfteady. THIRDLY, 'Ne haVe interruption given unto the work of Faith herein, by the Temptations of Satan. His original gteat defign, \~herever the Gofpel is preached, is to blind the eres of men~ · that the lij!,ht of the glorious Gofpel of Chrz(f, who is the Image of God, . jhould not P1ine into them, or irradiate their minds, 2 Cor. 4· 4· And herein he prevails unto afi:onilhment. L~t the Light of the Gofpel in the preachi·ng of the Word be ne· , ver fo glorious; yet by various means and nti· fices, he blinds the minds of the moft, that they Q iliaH