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2 2 6 Meditations and DifcourfeJ fhall not behold any thing of the Glory of Chrift therein. By this means he continues his ruTe in the Children of Difobedience. \iVith refpe(t unto the Elect, God over- powers him herein. He Jhines into their hearts to give them the kno1vledg of his glory in the face of Chrift Jeftts, ver[ 6. Yet will not Satan fo give over. He Will endeavour by all waies and means ro·trouble, difcompofe, and darken the mind even of them that believe, fo as that they fhall not be able to retain clear and diftinet views of this Glory. And this he donh two ways. 1. \V I T H fome he impioy ail his Engines, ufeth all his Methods of Serpentine Subtilty, and cafts in his fierydarts,fo todifquiet,difcompofe, and deject them,as that they can retain·no comfortabl~ views of Cbrifi: or his Glory. Hence arife fears, doubts, difpmes, 'uncertainties, with various Dilconfolations. Hereon they cannot apprehend the· Lo\'e of Chrift, nor be fenfible of any Inte_reft they have therein, or any refrefhing perfwafions that they are accepted with him. lf fuch things fomerimes fhine and beam into their minds, yet they quickly vanifh and difappear. Fears that they are rejeded and caft off by him,that he will not receive them here nor hereafter, do come ia their place ; hence are they filled ·with Anxieties and Defpondencies, under which it is impoffible they fhould have any clear. view of his Glory. I KNO\A-1 that Tgnortmce, Atheifm, and Objfinate fecuri~y in fenfilal Sins, do combine to- defpife all thefe things. But it is no new thing in the \Vorld, that men ounvardly profeffing Cbrifiiatl hel1gion-, ·