bn the Glory of Ch.rift. 2 2 7 Reiigion, when they fiqd gain in that godline fS~ .., 1hould fpeak evil of, the things which they know not, and COrrtlpt themfe}ves in What they knovi riamraHy, as btuit bea:fl:s._ ~ ._ _. __ . 2. WITH others he deals after another man· her. By various means he feduceth them in rd a car'ele{s foc_urity, . wherein they proinife peace imto themfelves withoitt any diligent featch into thefe things. Hereon they live in a general pie~ fttmption that they :thall be fa:ved by Chrifi:, al~ rh~ they , krr?W riot ho'w. . This makes the Apo~ ftle fo earneft in preffing the Duty of felf..exam·ination dn all Chrifrfans, 2 Cor. I~· 5'· Examine 1our feh;es whether ye. be iri the faith :' p'rove jour owd felves:KrJouJ Jou not your own {elves that Chrift is ili you,except you.lfe reprobates? The Rule of felf-judg; ing prefcribed by him, is· whether Chri/f be in tt~ or no; and in us lie cannot be,unlefs he be n~ceiv..:. ed by tnat faith wh~rewith we behold his Glor:t.. F'or by faith we receive him, arrd by Faith'he d wel~ Ieth i'n our hearts, Joh. r. 12. Eph. 3· I 7· . THIS is the prin:cipal way of his prevailing irl the YVorld. Multitudes by his Seduction live id. fecurity .nn~er _the utmoft ~-eg~ect _ of tbefe· thmgs. Secunty 1s gran-ted to be an Evtl defiru~ Qive of the Eo\1ls of m~n ; but then it is fuppofed to confift only m lmpeni~ency for great.and opert fins; but tO" be neglective ~f endeavouring an ex.: perience of the Power and Grace of tlte Gofpef in our own Souls, under a Profeilion of Religio.rf,' is no fefs deftru(tive and pernicious, th·an· impenr~· tency ht any courfe of fin.