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2:28 · Meditations and .DifcourfeJ THESE and the like Obfi:ruction~ unto faith in its Operations being added unto its own imperfe:. Cl:ions, ar~ another caufe whence our view of the' Glory of Chrifi: in this World is weak and unfteady; fo that for the·moft part it doth but tranfiently affect our minds, and not fo· fufly transform them into his likenefs, as otherw~fe it would. IT is now time to· cdi:1fider, that fight whicli we fhaU have of the Glory of Chrift in Heaven, in comparifon of that which we have here below. Now this is equal, ftable, always the farm, without in!erruption or diverfton. And this is evident, both in the caufes 6r means of it, as alfo in our per=- fett Deliverance from every thi 1g that might be an hindrance in it, or an obftruG1:ion unto it. r. VVE may confider the ftate of our minds in · Glory. The faculties of our So~uls fhall then be' made perfect, Heb. I 2. The JPh·its ofjuft men· made 1Jer fe8. ( r .) Freed from all the dogs of the fleili, ~nd an its influence upon them, and refiraint-of their powers in their Operations. ( 2.) Perfectly purified from all Principles of infi:ability and variety ; of all Inclinations unto things Senfilal and Ccirnal,and all Contrivances.of felf. prefervation or Advancement, being wholly transformed into the Image of God, in fpirituality and holinefs. And to take in the frate of our Bodies after the Refurretl;ion;even· they alfo in all their Powers and Senfes,: !hall be made entirely fi1bfervient unto the moft fpirirual aClings ofour minds in their higheft Elevation by the light of glory.. Hereby fuall we be enabled and fitted eternally to abide in the contemplation of the Glory of Chrift, wirh joy and· fatisfaction. The underftanding !hall be always perfea6d