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on of the Glory Chrifl. ~29 perfected with the vifion ofGod, and the ,c\ ffeeti· ons cleave infeperably to h;m;which is Bieiffdnefs. THE very ej]'ential fa.culties of our Souls in that way and manner of working , which by the1r Union with our Bodies they are <:;on fined unro, are not able to comprehend and abide conftamly in the contemplation of this Glory. So that, tho our fight of it here be dim and imperfeCt, and the propofal of it obfcure; yet from the "'eaknefs of our minds, we are forced fometimes to turn afide from what we do difcern, as we do our . bodily eyes from the beams of the Sun, when it fuines in its bri htnefs. But in this perfect State they are able to behold and delight in this Glory conftanrly, with eternal fittisfatl;ion.. BUT m for me, (faith David) I 'JJ.Jill behold thy face in righttoufnefs; I Jhall be fati.rfted when I awnke, with thy likenefs, Pfal. I 7· I). It is Chrift alone, who is the Likenefs and Image of God. When we awake in the other lfTorld, with our mind$ purified and re<lified, the beholding of him fhall be al waies fatisfying unto us. There witl be then no Satiety , no VVearinefs, no lndifpofiriom; but the mind being made perfect in qll its faculties, powers, and operations, with refpeCl unto its utmoft end, which is the enjoyment of God~ is fatisqed jn the beholding of him for evermore~ And where there is perfect fatisfattion without Satiety, there is bleffedi1efs for ever. So the f!oly Spirit affirms of the ft;ur liruin,g Creatures i1~ the Revelation; They reft not day nor night, faJing, holy,holy, holy Lord God Almighty, c.hap. 4· 8. They ~re continually exercifed in the Admiration and fraifes of God in Chrift, without wearinefs or in- . · q. ~ · - t~~ruptiR~~