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in the Refignati<m of our departing Souls into his .hand.. SECONDLY; It is required in tts unto ·the fame end, that we be ready and wi'lling to part with the ftefh, wherewith we ~re doathed, with a!! things that are ufeful and defit-·able thereunto. The Alliance, the Relation, the Fr.iendjhip, the Union, that are bet·u;een the Soul and the Buly , are the greateft, the neare{l, the jirmeft, that are vr can be -among meer created Beings. There is nothing like it, nothing equal ttnto it. Tr.Je Union of TDree pe;fo1?S m the one jingle Divine Nature, and the Union of ·two Natures in one pe;jon of Chr~ft, are i7tjinite, .ineffable, and exempted from a.fl comparifcn. . Rut .among created Being-s, .the Union of theje t?.vo ej]i: ntial .parts of the fame -Nature in cne Perfon, is rm{f excellent. Nor is any thing equal to it, or like it, f0!4nd in any othet Crea!ures. Thofe wbo amo1'(f, them have m~fl of life, have either rw Boilies,-tts Angels; or r;o Souls, but ·u;hat perijh ~vith them, as all m·ute ·c-reatures .below~ .ANG:ELS being pure immaterial Spirits , have . nothing in them, nothing ,bel012ging unto t.br:ir ij]ence, that cart die. Beafts have nothing in them that can live 7vhen their Bodies die. The Soul of a Beaft cannot be prefer'Ved in a feparate Condition, . no not by a1~ af1 of Almighty PoJJJer; f er ii is not ; arJd that which ~s nvt, cannot live. It is nothing but the Bocly it [elf in m1 act Df its material Pmvers. · ONLY the _Nature of A1an in all the V!Cr ;b of God is capable of thi! Convuljion. The eJ)imtial a 4 parlt