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the Glory of Chrifl. . . /~35 .tminent ufe unto the Chtu:ch ; yet as unto· them1felves) one· of them cryed out, Wo is me, I am undone; and the other fell a&" depd at his feet. We qre not able in this life to bea I eh glorious re... prekntalions of him, unto our dification. · AND as we have no fuch external propofal~ of l).is Glory unto us in Vifio~s, fo neither have we any New Revelations of htm, by immedmte inffii'"' ration. \iVe can fee nothing of it, know nothing of lt but whaJ is propofeu unto us in the Scripnire, and tha~ as it is propo(ed. Nor doth the Scrii tu e Jt df in <,my one place, make an entire pro ofal of the Glo.ty of Chrifr, with all that belongs unto it ; I,or is it capable of fo doing ; nor can there be any fuch Reprefentation of it, unto our capacity on this fide Heaven. If al1 the Light of the Heavenly Luminaries had been con~ traded into one, it would have been defiructive., pot t1feful to our fight ; Bur being by Divine Wifdom diftributed into Surt, Moon, and Stars, each giving out his own Proportion, it is fuired to declare the Glory of God, aud to enlighten the world : So if the whole Revelation of tbe Glory ofChrift,and aU that belongs unto it, bad been committed into one Jeries and contexture of !.fiords, it would have overwhelmed our minds, rather than ,enlightened us. Wherefore God bath diftributed the Light of it, through the whole Firrnamertt of the Books of the old and 1'-lew Teftament, whence it communicates it felf, by various parts and degrees unto the proper ufe of the Church. In one place we have a defcription of bis Perfon, and the Glory of it; fometimes in worp~ pl'lin and p.rop~r, and fometimes in g:eat · vanecy