~3 6 MeditationJ and DifcourfeJ variety of .Allegories, conveying an heavenly Senfe of things unto the minds of them that do believe ; In others of his Love and CondefcenjiorJ in his Of;. .fice , and his G ry therein. His Humiliation , Exaltation and Power, are in like manner in fim~ ,dry places reprefent~d unto us. And as one Star difj'ereth from another in Glory; fo it was one way, whereby God reprefented the Glory of Chrift, iri Types and fhadows under the Old Tef!ament , and another wherein it is declared in the New. Illuftrious Teftimonies unto all thefe things are planted up and down in the Sc;ripture, which we inay collect as choice flowers jp the Paradife of God, for the Object ofour Faith and Sight ther~- by. I SO the Spou{e in the Canticles confidered every part of rhe Perfon and Grace of Chrift diftinety by it felt: and from them a11, concludes that he is altogether lovely, Chap. 5'. I o~ I I, 1 2., 1 3, I 4, I 5', 16. So ought we to do in our ftudy of the Scripture, to find out the Revelation of the Glory of thrift, which is made therein, as did the Prophers of old, as unto what they rhemfelves ret:eived by imm~diate Infpiration. They fearched diligently what the fpirit of Chrift which waJ· in them did fignifie, when it tej!ified before·hand the fujferings of Chrift, and the glory which Jhould enfue, 1 Pet. r. I I, I 2.. But this feeing of Chrift by parts in the Revelation of him, is one cauf~ why we fee him here but m parr. - SOME fi1ppofe that by Chopping and Painting, and Gilding, they ~an make an Image of Chriit that fhall perfectly reprefenr him to their Sences and carnal Affections t:rom head to foot. £ut · ' · ·· · they